Why Natural Exfoliators Are Best For Your Face

Human skin consists of five layers: the topmost is the corneum, which consists of the keratin layer. It is considered that it consists of 10 to 30 layers of dead keratinocytes. In general, our body sheds off the dead skin cells in 30 days, and those cells are replaced by new skin cells.

But what about the older ones? Where do they go? Do they stay on our face? And if so, how can we get rid of those dead skin cells? Hence, exfoliation is an excellent way to slough off the dead skin cells.

Some of the time, old skins, even after being dead, hang around there for a while. They don't do anything essential apart from diminishing the glow and clogging the pores, which itself is a whole new world of problems. 

Clog pores often initiate acne, and in advanced conditions, the person can experience bacterial infections. So, isn't it better to get rid of the dead skin cells on time rather than wait for their outcomes?

Many skin experts consider exfoliation one of the best ways to get rid of dead skin cells and debris. However, since the dead cells hide underneath a fresh layer of cells, it gives the skin a dull, patchy, blemished appearance. Moreover, it destroys the skin's texture, making it rough and flaky. All this contributes to the deterioration of skin health, which may need medical attention sooner or later.

Advantages of Natural Exfoliators Over Chemical Exfoliators

  • Exfoliation helps buff away and remove dead skin cells revealing a healthy layer of skin. 
  • Fights off the dullness and blemishes
  • Unclogs the pores
  • Increase blood circulation to the skin
  • Brightens the skin
  • Improves the texture and even out the tone
  • Promotes better absorption of moisture
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis

How To Select Exfoliator For Your Skin

Since we are done with the advantages of exfoliation and the benefits of indenting it in one's life, now, the question arises which kind of exfoliator would go with my skin? For this, first, you need to find out your skin type as it has a significant role in terms of outcomes. In addition, different skin types respond differently to other products. 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), there are two main methods for exfoliation — mechanical and chemical. Mechanical exfoliation mainly involves different tools such as sponge, brush, or scrub. In contrast, Chemical exfoliation uses chemical exfoliants, including alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids, to dissolve the dead skin cells.

People, especially those with dry, sensitive skins, can show allergic reactions to chemicals commonly found in chemical-based exfoliators. However, chemical peels are good to go as they give soft, smooth textured skin, but some people can develop irritation, redness, and itching in response to them.

One treatment option that has a solid track record of treating both eczema and psoriasis is Delfina Dry Skin Oil.

Natural Exfoliators 

In order to avoid the hazardous outcomes of chemically saturated products, it is better to go for organic ones. There are several ways through which we can substitute chemical exfoliators with natural ones. Although these natural exfoliators demand patience both in preparation and result, the chances for adverse reactions are way less. 

Most of the organic products available in the market are too costly than chemical ones. So, isn't it better to make the one for yourself while utilizing your daily use products? Some of the most prevailing natural exfoliators that can be prepared easily at home are discussed below.

Oatmeal Scrub

The top natural exfoliator of our list is, nonetheless, oatmeal. The finely grounded oat granules serve as a perfect base to scrape off the layers of dead skin cells and reveal healthier skin. 

Even a recent study conducted on the benefits of oatmeal has concluded that it exfoliates and prevents breakouts by unclogging the pores. Apart from exfoliating properties, oatmeal has other benefits, and some doctors suggest colloidal oatmeal for specific skin conditions. For example, it is helpful in cases of dermatitis, insect bites, and chickenpox cases. 

Sugar Scrub

Sugar is one of the most convenient physical scrubs at everyone's reach. The grainy texture and the rough sugar surface can easily be adjusted with any skin type. However, the person can use different kinds of oil in the sugar-based scrub for upgrading. The most common one is brown sugar, with almond oil.

Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are one of the most beneficial organic scrubs. Being rich in antioxidants, they brighten the skin and improve its texture.


Sponges are another kind of mechanical exfoliant and are often used by individuals to get rid of dead skin cells. Loofah and konjac are the two kinds of sponges readily available in the market. 

Although both are beneficial, loofah buffs away the dead cells better than others because of its low-density fibers. Meanwhile, we cannot deny the beneficial effects of konjac; being a plant-based product, it is rich in antioxidants. As a result, it helps prevent acne breakout and promotes overall skin health.


If your skin is too sensitive where even a little physical exfoliation irritates it, you need to try a washcloth as an exfoliant. The chances of inflammation are promptly lower in the case of dampened cloth than the other mechanical exfoliator.

Technique For Better Results

Apart from selecting the method of exfoliation, whether mechanical or chemical, other essential factors also need to be examined. Any method before or after the scrub can help attain better results with low inflammation. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has highlighted some of the ways to prevent skin damage while exfoliating.

Consider Your Skin Care Products

If you are already using any skincare product or medication for any dermatologic issue, it is essential to further determine their impact on your overall skin health. Medicines, especially the retinoid ones, dry up the skin and make it super-sensitive most of the time. Using scrubs or exfoliators over such skin can lead to severe irritation and cause apparent damage. 

Be Gentle With Your Skin

One of the common mistakes that many of us usually make is the aggressive use of scrubs. It is recommended to start with a small amount of scrub in a circular motion for about 30 seconds, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Moreover, if you use mechanical scrubs such as sponges or brushes, try light stokes rather than aggressive scrubbing. Finally, do not exfoliate if you have open wounds or cuts over your skin. 

Set The Frequency

Try to find the proper schedule to exfoliate your skin. For example, some people exfoliate once a week, whereas some twice a week. Most of the time, it depends on the type of your skin and the method you have been using to get rid of dead skin cells. 

Moisturize Your Skin 

Using exfoliators, either organic or inorganic, can cause dryness. To escape the dryness caused by the exfoliator, apply Delfina Dry Skin Oil after exfoliation. Its natural ingredients, such as chamomile oil, are best to soothe irritated skin. In addition, Delfina Dry Skin Oil helps diminish inflammation and replenish dead skin cells. Therefore, it is beneficial to damaged skin.

The Bottom Line

Exfoliation is a great way to remove the dead skin cells from the skin's surface, but the chances of inflammation and irritation are always there. However, one can minimize them by using natural exfoliants, including oatmeal or sugar scrubs, sponges, and washcloths. 

These natural exfoliators are good to go with every skin type, and for sensitive, dry skin, they are nothing less than a blessing. People with dry, itchy, or sensitive skin can remarkably experience a decline in irritation. 

To prevent skin damage, you need to be careful while indenting a new scrub in your routine. There is no need to get harsh on your skin or scrub it more often than usual. Instead, use moisture, especially after the scrub, to overcome the dryness and irritation by using a moisturizer with nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties such as Delfina Dry Skin Oil.