Can Scalp Psoriasis Cause Hair Loss?

Wondering if scalp psoriasis is the reason your hair keeps falling out? If you know for sure psoriasis is to blame for the itchy, silver plaque on your scalp, then odds are good you can blame it for your hair loss, too.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that any loss of hair caused by scalp psoriasis is temporary. When this flare clears up, your hair will grow back, and you can focus on finding better soothing methods for the future. 

So what can you do to keep your hair where it belongs? The first step is to understand the link between psoriasis and hair loss. When you know why your hair keeps falling out, you and your doctor have a better chance at devising an effective strategy.

So read on. We’re about to explain why you may be losing your hair, how your lifestyle could be making things worse, and how to fix the problem. 

What is Scalp Psoriasis?

First, make sure scalp psoriasis is definitely the problem. There are several other skin conditions that might cause your hair to fall out. These include lupus, folliculitis, cellulitis, and ringworm.

scalp psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder in which your body generates skin cells at an accelerated rate. This build-up of cells takes the form of plaque—a raised patch of dry, scaly, and inflamed skin. Plaque is often itchy and silver in color.

Scalp psoriasis appears specifically on the forehead, back of the neck, behind the ears, and—you guessed it—on the scalp. This condition may include symptoms such as:

  • Inflamed lesions
  • Red, scaly patches
  • Cracking and bleeding
  • Burning or pain
  • Itch
  • Hair loss

These symptoms range from mild and barely noticeable to extreme and miserable. 

It’s also worth noting that it’s common to initially mistake scalp psoriasis for dandruff. When the condition is new or mild, the silvery scales that flake off your scalp may only be distinguishable from dandruff by their sheen.

Even with all this insight, it’s important to consult with a doctor about your scalp condition. Have a medical professional confirm that you do have psoriasis before you pursue solution.

Now that we’ve clarified what scalp psoriasis is, let’s clarify why it’s wreaking havoc on your mane.

Why Scalp Psoriasis Could Cause Temporary Hair Loss

If your hair is falling out because of your psoriasis, rest assured that it’s only temporary. It’s also a symptom that is likely caused by one of two things:

  1. A recent flare-up
  2. Your current psoriasis solution plan

In other words, scalp psoriasis does not directly cause hair loss the way it causes plaque. Merely having this skin condition does not doom you to eventual baldness.

Rather, hair loss often occurs due to frequent scratching or the forceful removal of scales. There are also certain solutions that could make your hair more vulnerable to breakage. Medicated shampoos are common culprits, as they can damage or dry out your hair.

How to Avoid Hair Loss?

So, how do you get around these issues?

The first step is to do what you can to ease the symptoms of your scalp psoriasis. When you soothe dryness and itch, you’re less likely to scratch and pick at your scalp. 

Take a close look at your day-to-day lifestyle. Try making adjustments such as:

  • Alternate medicated and regular shampoos from wash to wash.
  • Always use a conditioner to lock in moisture.
  • Air dry your hair instead of using a blow dryer. Blow drying can dry out your skin and promote flares.
  • Avoid scalp psoriasis triggers to keep flare-ups at bay.
  • Talk to your dermatologist about effective methods for moisturizing your scalp.
  • Use a gentle combing or brushing technique to loosen and remove scale. Picking and pulling at plaque removes hair as well as scale.
  • Keep your fingernails short to avoid damage from absent-minded scratching.

If these measures don’t help with your hair loss problem, it might be time to take a closer look at your solution methods.

How to soothe your scalp psoriasis 

Before understanding how to prevent hair loss from psoriasis, you must first determine how you can combat the root of the cause from hair loss if scalp psoriasis is the main contributing factor for  your hair loss. 

Natural Treatment Options

If you're one of the millions of people suffering from scalp psoriasis, you know that the itching, flaking, and redness can be extremely frustrating. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ingredients that can help to soothe your scalp and reduce the symptoms of psoriasis.

Coconut oil is a great option for soothing your scalp thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Simply massage a small amount of coconut oil into your scalp before bed and wash it out in the morning.

Aloe vera is another ingredient that can help to soothe your scalp. Apply aloe vera gel to your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing off.

Chamomile is also an effective ingredient for soothing scalp psoriasis. Make a chamomile tea by steeping two chamomile tea bags in boiling water for five minutes. Allow the tea to cool before applying it to your scalp with a cotton ball. Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing off. 

Delfina Skin Oil is the most effective preventive and treatment option for scalp psoriasis. It is also very easy to use since it comes in a spray bottle, so all you have to do is to spray it on the affected area and massage it gently. It is a natural and vegan product with no known side effects. This revolutionary product will help you to keep your skin hydrated, and just as importantly to manage the symptoms of scalp psoriasis as they flare up. A routine that includes Delfina Skin Oil is an important safeguard against the worst effects of scalp psoriasis.

We recommend Delfina Skin Oil as your solution for treatment and prevention of Scalp Psoriasis.


Prevention is always the best medicine, so try to identify any triggers that may be causing your flare-ups. Common triggers include stress, weather changes, certain hair products, and dandruff. Once you identify your triggers, do your best to avoid them.

Managing stress is also important for reducing flare-ups of scalp psoriasis. Consider adding some stress-relieving activities into your daily routine, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Soothing Scalp Psoriasis with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been shown to be effective in treating various skin conditions, including psoriasis. A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science found that coconut oil was able to reduce inflammation and redness in people with psoriasis. 

Coconut oil is also known for its moisturizing properties, which can help soothe the dry, flaky skin associated with psoriasis. 

To use coconut oil as a natural treatment for scalp psoriasis, simply massage a small amount of the oil into your scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it out. You can do this once or twice a week as needed.

Soothing Scalp Psoriasis with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is another natural ingredient that has been shown to be effective in treating psoriasis. A study published in the International Journal of Dermatology found that aloe vera gel was able to significantly reduce scaling, itching, and redness in people with psoriasis.

To use aloe vera as a natural treatment for scalp psoriasis, simply apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to your scalp and let it sit for 30-45 minutes before washing it out. You can do this once or twice a week as needed.

Soothing Scalp Psoriasis with Chamomile

Chamomile is a herb that has long been used to treat various skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce redness and irritation associated with psoriasis. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that chamomile cream was able to significantly improve symptoms of mild-to-moderate psoriasis.

To use chamomile as a natural treatment for scalp psoriatic arthritis treatments , simply steep two chamomile tea bags in hot water for 5 minutes then remove them from the water and allow them to cool slightly before applying them directly to your scalp for 10-15 minutes while lying down relaxingly. Afterward rinse your hair with cool water then shampoo normally. You can do this once or twice weekly.

Soothing Scalp Psoriasis with Delfina Skin Oil

Delfina Skin Oil is a cutting-edge moisturizer that not only softens and treats scalp psoriasis, but also prevents it from occurring in the first place. Delfina works by penetrating the outer layers of skin, stimulating hydration and nutrition.

Prevention is Key for Scalp Psoriasis

It is important to remember that prevention is always better than cure when it comes to scalp psoriasis. There are a few things you can do to help prevent flare-ups:

  1. Keep your scalp clean. Gently shampoo your hair regularly and avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents.
  2. Avoid scratching your scalp. This will only make the irritation worse and can lead to infection.
  3. Identify and avoid triggers. If you know what sets off your scalp psoriasis (e.g., stress, certain hair products), try to avoid these triggers as much as possible.
  4. Use Delfina Skin Oil.  You can read more about how Delfina works here and read patient success stories here.

Identifying Triggers for Scalp Psoriasis

There are many different things that can trigger a flare-up of scalp psoriasis, so it is important to be aware of what these triggers are for you personally. Some common triggers include:

Stress: Stress can cause the body to produce more inflammatory substances, which can aggravate psoriasis symptoms.

Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormones can also trigger or worsen psoriasis symptoms.

Certain medications: Some medications (such as beta blockers, lithium, and antimalarial drugs) have been linked with an increased risk of developing psoriasis or experiencing a worsening of symptoms.

Managing Stress to Reduce Scalp Psoriasis

Since stress can be a major trigger for scalp psoriasis flare-ups, it is important to find ways to manage stress effectively. Some helpful tips include:

-Exercise: Exercise has been shown to help reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. Taking some time out for a brisk walk or jog each day could make a big difference in managing your stress (and your scalp psoriasis).

-Yoga/meditation: Practicing yoga or meditation can also help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation .

-Deep breathing exercises: Taking some slow, deep breaths is another simple way to instantly reduce stress levels.

Additional burden of scalp psoriasis

If you suffer from scalp psoriasis, you may also be at risk for hair loss. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that can cause red, scaly patches on the skin. While it can occur anywhere on the body, scalp psoriasis is particularly common, and it can lead to hair loss in some cases.

There are several reasons why scalp psoriasis may cause hair loss. First, psoriasis flare-ups can occur on the scalp, causing inflammation and itching. Second, some of the medications used to treat psoriasis can cause hair loss as a side effect. Finally, there is a connection between scalp psoriasis and hair loss: research shows that people with scalp psoriasis are more likely to experience hair loss than those without the condition.

If you're concerned about hair loss due to scalp psoriasis, it's important to be aware of the symptoms. Scalp psoriasis itself can cause redness, scaling, and thickened skin on the scalp. Hair loss due to scalp psoriasis may appear as thinning of the hair or patches of baldness.

There are treatments available for both scalp psoriasis and hair loss. For scalps psoriatic conditions like dandruff – medicated shampoos containing ingredients like coal tar or salicylic acid can help reduce symptoms. If your hair loss is due to a medication you’re taking for your Psoriatic Arthritis.

The causes of scalp psoriasis and hair loss

Since you have a better sense on what scalp psoriasis is and what you can do to prevent or mitigate it, the next step is to get a deeper understanding on how scalp psoriasis causes hair loss. 

Psoriasis flare-ups on the scalp

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, red, scaly patches on the skin. In some people, psoriasis can also cause inflammation and flaking of the scalp. This can lead to hair loss.

Medications that can cause hair loss

Certain medications used to treat psoriasis, such as corticosteroids and retinoids, can cause hair loss. This is usually temporary and will stop once the medication is stopped.

The connection between scalp psoriasis and hair loss

Scalp psoriasis can cause hair loss by damaging the hair follicles. The inflammation caused by the condition can also lead to a form of hair loss called alopecia areata, in which the body's immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing them to fall out.

Symptoms of scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis can cause a number of uncomfortable and unsightly symptoms, including:

  • red, inflamed patches of skin
  • scaling and flaking
  • severe itching
  • burning or soreness
  • thickened, cracked skin

Symptoms of hair loss

Hair loss can occur in conjunction with scalp psoriasis for a number of reasons. Medications used to treat scalp psoriasis can cause hair loss, and the condition itself can lead to hair loss. 

Symptoms of hair loss include:

  • gradual thinning on top of the head
  • excessive shedding
  • patchy bald spots
  • full-blown baldness

Treating scalp psoriasis can help to alleviate the symptoms of hair loss.

Other treatment options for scalp psoriasis specifically for hair loss

There are a variety of treatments available for scalp psoriasis, and the best approach depends on the severity of your condition. For mild cases, over-the-counter (OTC) treatments may be enough to control your symptoms. These include medicated shampoos, creams, and ointments that you can buy without a prescription. If OTC treatments don’t work, or if your case is more severe, you may need prescription medications.

Some common prescription medications used to treat scalp psoriasis include:

  • Corticosteroids: These drugs can reduce inflammation and itching. They come in the form of shampoos, creams, gels, lotions, and foams. They can also be injected into the affected area by a healthcare provider.
  • Calcipotriene: This medication is a form of vitamin D that helps slow down the growth of skin cells. It’s available as a cream, gel, or solution that you apply to your skin.
  • Tazarotene: This drug is similar to calcipotriene and also helps slow down the growth of skin cells. It’s available as a cream or gel that you apply to your skin.
  • Anthralin: This medication helps reduce inflammation and slows down the growth of skin cells. It’s available as a cream, ointment, paste, or powder that you apply to your skin.

Treatment options for hair loss

Hair loss can be treated with medications taken by mouth or applied to the skin (topical). The most common treatment for hair loss is minoxidil (Rogaine), which is a topical solution that is applied to the scalp twice daily. 

Other options include finasteride (Propecia), an oral medication taken once daily; low-level laser therapy; and corticosteroid injections into the scalp. Your doctor will likely recommend trying minoxidil first before moving on to other options.

Preventing scalp psoriasis flare-ups

The best way to prevent scalp psoriasis flare-ups is to avoid triggers. Common triggers include stress, cold weather, and injury to the skin. If you can identify your triggers, you can take steps to avoid them.

There are also a number of lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk of flare-ups. These include quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress.

If you do experience a flare-up, there are a number of things you can do to help relieve the symptoms. These include using medicated shampoos and topical treatments, avoiding scratching or picking at the lesions, and keeping your scalp clean and well-moisturized.

Delfina Dry Skin Oil comes to aid as also a prevention method for scalp psoriasis since it prevents the condition from reappearing or occurring in the first place. Whenever flare-ups arise, make sure to apply Delfina Skin Oil at least twice a day for the first 14 days. After symptoms have subsided, continue to apply it at least a few times a week to maintain your newly-fresh skin. A regular moisturizing routine that incorporates Delfina Dry Skin Oil is critical to reducing skin dryness that often leads to flare-ups. There have been no known reported incidents of hair loss from using this cutting-edge product. 

Choosing the right medications

If you are taking medication for scalp psoriasis, it is important to choose one that will not cause hair loss. Some common medications that can cause hair loss include corticosteroids, retinoids, immunosuppressants, and biologics. Talk to your doctor about which medication is right for you and be sure to ask about potential side effects.

Practicing good hair care

In addition to choosing the right medication, it is also important to practice good hair care habits if you have scalp psoriasis. Avoiding harsh chemicals and over-washing your hair can help reduce irritation and inflammation of the skin. Be sure to use a gentle shampoo and conditioner, and avoid hot showers or baths.

Is Your Solution Part of the Problem?

It will probably take some trial and error to strike the perfect balance between soothing scalp psoriasis and nurturing your hair.

Medicated shampoos tend to be hard on your hair. Psoriasis can be a challenging skin condition, and the products designed to combat it often contain harsh ingredients. This is especially true for medicated shampoos. The skin on your scalp is thick, which means it requires aggressive solution.

Another culprit might be an over-the-counter product containing salicylic acid. This is an acid that breaks down scales but also causes breakage in your hair.

If you think your scalp psoriasis solution might be to blame for your hair loss, talk to your doctor about alternative options.

We personally love Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil as a deep-penetrating, all natural method for caring for psoriatic skin.


The best way to prevent scalp psoriasis from causing hair loss is to keep your scalp healthy and free from flare-ups. You can do this by choosing the right medications, practicing good hair care, and preventing scalp psoriasis flare-ups.

Using or incorporating Delfina Skin Oil as a rudimentary part of your skincare routine will most likely contribute to preventing this uncomfortable and unbearable skin condition. Take it with you wherever you go and apply anywhere, anytime, without any hassle. All you have to do is spray the product to your scalp and massage it gently. 

Finding the right product for your skin takes time and patience, but it doesn’t mean you’re hopeless. And if there’s anything we at Delfina Skin can do to help you explore the possibilities, please let us know.