Cracked Heels and Vitamin Deficiency - Is There a Connection?

Cracked heels are a quick step to a bad time: dry, painful and difficult to reverse, they’re one frustration many of us would love to eliminate. They’re especially prevalent in colder climates and the winter season, when the elements are definitely not on our skin’s side.

Once cracked heels set in, you’re in for an unpleasant experience. Even the smallest steps can feel like monumental tasks. But to properly treat and prevent them, we have to understand their origin.

Cracked Heels Causes

The causes of cracked heels vary, from everything including:

  • Environment
  • Walking barefoot
  • Poor heel support
  • Fungal infection
  • Deep scrapes to the skin
  • Medical conditions like diabetes
  • Or simply not drinking enough water
Cracked Causes

But another big factor has started to emerge as a leading cause of cracked heels: vitamin deficiency, specifically, a deficiency in Vitamin C, Vitamin B-3, or Vitamin E. All three vitamins are vital to replenishing skin.

How you get cracked heels

If you're one of the millions of Americans who suffer from cracked heels, you know how painful and unsightly they can be.  Fortunately, there are some easy things you can do to heal your cracked heels. Use a heel balm or cream to moisturize your feet, soak them in warm water, exfoliate dead skin cells, and wear comfortable shoes that fit properly. Prevention is also key – make sure to moisturize your feet regularly and wear comfortable shoes that fit well to avoid future problems.

One of the main causes of cracked heels is a lack of moisture. When the skin on your feet dries out, it becomes brittle and more susceptible to cracking. Poor foot hygiene, such as walking barefoot and wearing the wrong shoes can also contribute to developing cracked heels. Other reasons can stem from the natural aging process, since the skin loses moisture with aging. However, you are in luck, since the specially formulated Delfina Skin Oil helps your aged skin retain moisture.

If you want to keep your feet healthy and free from cracked heels, it's important to take some preventative measures. First, make sure you moisturize your feet on a regular basis, paying special attention to the area around your heels. Second, invest in comfortable shoes that fit properly and provide support for your feet. And finally, check your footwear regularly to ensure that it isn't causing any damage to your heels.

By following these simple self care measures, you can help keep your feet healthy and avoid the pain and discomfort of cracked heels and in turn have a well nourished skin.

The main causes of cracked heels

A Lack of Moisture

The main cause of cracked heels is a lack of moisture. When the skin on your feet becomes dry, it can crack and split. This is often caused by not drinking enough water or by spending too much time in dry, air-conditioned environments. If you live in a dry climate, you may also be more prone to developing dry, cracked heels.

Poor Foot Hygiene

Another common cause of cracked heels is poor foot hygiene. If you don't regularly wash your feet and keep them clean, dead skin cells can build up and lead to cracking. Additionally, if you don't moisturize your feet regularly, they can become dry and cracked.

If you want to get rid of cracked heels once and forever, you should definitely try Delfina Skin Oil. This is a cutting-edge moisturizer that not only treats cracked heels, but also prevents them from happening in the first place. 

After using this revolutionary natural treatment, thousands of individuals have reported seeing relief from the pain and discomfort associated with chronic dry skin and cracked skin, including flare-ups, dryness, and itching. 

Delfina Skin Oil does wonders for fissures in the skin by penetrating the deep layers of the skin and restoring their hydration and hydration, which in turn will make your feet feel as soft as a newborn in just a few short days in many cases. For more severe forms of cracked heels, you may need at least multiple weeks for this skin condition to be eliminated. It is recommended to continue its usage several times a week in order to maintain healthy skin.   

We recommend Delfina Skin Oil as your solution for treatment and prevention of cracked skin.


Wearing the Wrong Shoes

Wearing shoes that don't fit properly or that don't support your feet can also contribute to the development of dry or cracked heels. Shoes that are too tight or have high heels can put pressure on the heel area and cause the skin to crack. If you're going to be wearing shoes for long periods of time, it's important to make sure they fit well and aren't going to cause any problems with your feet.

How to fix cracked heels

Use a Heel Balm or Cream

If you have dry, cracked heels, the first step is to moisturize your feet. This can be done by using a heel balm, cream, or an oil like Delfina Skin Oil. There are many products on the market that can help to heal and repair dry, cracked heels, but only a few of them are effective in providing relief. Be sure to read the labels carefully to find one that suits your needs. Apply the product generously to your feet, paying special attention to the heels. Allow it to soak in for a few minutes before putting on socks or shoes.

Soak Your Feet

Another way to moisturize your feet and heal dry, cracked heels is to soak them. This can be done by adding a small amount of olive oil or other natural oil to a basin of warm water. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes, then pat them dry with a soft towel. Apply a heel balm or cream as described above.

Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells

In order to get rid of dead skin cells that can contribute to dry, cracked heels, it is important to exfoliate regularly. There are many ways to do this, but one simple method is to mix together equal parts baking soda and water into a paste. Rub this paste onto your heels and other areas of dry skin on your feet for gentle exfoliation. Rinse well with warm water when finished and apply a heel balm or cream as needed.

Wear the Right Shoes

One of the best ways to prevent dry, cracked heels is to wear shoes that fit properly and offer support for your feet. Avoid wearing high heels or tight shoes that constrict blood flow to your feet. Instead, opt for comfortable shoes made from breathable materials like leather or canvas that allow your feet room to move and breathe freely. 

Prevention is Key

It is important to moisturize your feet on a regular basis, especially if you are prone to dry skin or live in a climate with low humidity. There are many different types of foot creams, oils and lotions on the market, so choose one that suits your needs. For best results, apply the cream or lotion after bathing or showering, when your skin is still damp. Gently massage it into your feet until it is fully absorbed.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Wearing shoes that fit properly and offer good support can help prevent cracked heels. Avoid shoes with high heels or narrow toe boxes that put undue pressure on your feet. Instead, opt for flats or low-heeled shoes made from soft, breathable materials. If you must wear heels, make sure they are not higher than two inches and that you take breaks often to give your feet a rest.

Make sure your shoes fit properly by having your feet measured regularly (at least once a year). Also, avoid wearing hand-me-downs or shoes that someone else has worn before, as they may not fit well and could be harboring bacteria or fungi. When trying on new shoes, walk around in them for a few minutes to see how they feel before making a purchase.

Vitamin Vibrance

Aside from supplements, all three vitamins can be found in a variety of natural sources:

Vitamin C is most commonly found in citrus fruits like orange and grapefruit, along with strawberries and even vegetables like Brussels sprouts, peppers and potatoes. A deficiency in Vitamin C can result in fatigue, bleeding gums, hair loss, slowness to heal and even corkscrew hairs.

Vitamin B-3, also known as niacin, is generally found in fish and meat, particularly in liver, tuna, salmon, chicken breast, turkey, pork and ground beef. Vegan sources of B-3 include peanuts, quinoa, muesli, brown and wild rice, acorn squash and nutritional yeast. Symptoms of deficiency include memory loss, light sensitivity and digestive problems.

Vitamin Vibrance

Vitamin E can be found in large quantities (in fact 20% of your daily recommended intake) in avocados - along with spinach, collard and beet greens. Peanuts & peanut butter, along with almonds and sunflower seeds, are also generous sources of Vitamin E. Premature wrinkles and vision problems can arise from deficiency here.

Aside from the symptoms listed above, a deficiency in any of these vitamins can put your skin at greater risk of conditions like cracked heels (with a weakened immune system making it easier for your skin to break).

Reversing Cracked Heels (from the Inside Out)

If cracked heels are becoming a chronic condition (or even if it’s your first bout), it’s important to load up on these vitamins, to give your body its best chance at rebuilding its immunity and repairing the damage from within. However, that doesn’t fix the immediate damage of your skin. For that, you have to treat the external symptoms directly, not just the causes.

Delfina Dry Skin Oil offers an excellent solution to cracked heels.

It’s formulated to fix dry skin from the inside out, and cracked skin is no exception to the rule - it’s simply a more severe example.

The good news is that cracked skin recovers faster than conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Delfina works by penetrating the skin's outer layers to stimulate hydration and nutrition from within. Delfina has a proven track record of successfully treating skin conditions including psoriasis. Read more about how Delfina Dry Skin Oil works here and read Delfina success stories here.

Apply Delfina Dry Skin Oil twice a day for the first two weeks of treatment. Continue applying as needed to maintain your freshly moisturized skin and to stay ahead of dryness. It’s also important to stay hydrated - the key to any good maintenance routine.

Final thoughts

The link between vitamin deficiency and cracked heels is a clear one, but in addition to taking in your correct daily nutrition, you can set yourself up for success by taking care of skin directly. When moisturizing, stick to products that are not harsh on your skin.

We recommend Delfina Dry Skin Oil, which improves your skin’s natural moisture, and reverses the damage that causes painful conditions like cracked heels. By observing proper maintenance, you can make sure every step you take is a smooth one - even in winter.