Dry Hands - The four ways to treat dry skin on hands

With the arrival of the winter season, dry hands can emerge as a very discomforting and annoying condition. In addition, using a regular moisturizer may not be enough if you have more severe conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

Due to its diminished ability to generate natural oils, several areas of skin are more susceptible to dryness than others. Your face has a lot of oil-producing glands. That is why it is always so oily, especially in the summer season. 

When skin cells become dry, they don't shed as quickly, resulting in skin fissures. In addition, thick skin formed due to cracks does not retain water as efficiently as thin, normal skin, thereby resulting in a vicious cycle of dryness and dry patches. 

Exposure to cold, dry wind and sunlight might aggravate the condition. Some of the commonly observed causes of dry hands are discussed below. 

Causes of dry hands

Dry and cracked skin on the hands is a common concern in dry and cold weather.

Weather changes

During cold weather, the moisture in the air reduces below the required level that keeps your skin hydrated. This causes dryness on the skin of the hands and other parts of the body. Use humidifiers to increase the atmospheric moisture to desired levels. 

Work conditions

In workplaces where you have to wash your hands frequently, skin dryness may inevitably result, especially when hand sanitizers are also systematically applied to the skin. For instance, people working in places like hospitals, hospitality, or other similar work conditions frequently wash their hands and apply sanitizers. This can also occur if you are spending long hours of the day in a temperature-controlled environment.

Atmospheric Irritants 

When you contact such substances that cause irritation or allergy to your skin, including some fabrics, your dry skin condition might be further aggravated.


Aside from the apparent annoyance of dry skin, there are a few other concerning winter skin conditions to keep in mind. Frostbite is a type of lasting damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by prolonged contact with a freezing atmosphere. 

Our body's cells containing water content can burst and die if they get frozen, just as water can break a glass container if left in the freezer for a considerable amount of time. As a result, if you're going to be outside for an extended time in temperatures below 30 degrees, it's critical to take appropriate measures to prevent frostbite. 

Please pay careful attention to your hands and feet, as they are the furthest from the body's core warmth and will be affected first, causing difficulty in moving and handling things. Pain on the tips of fingers and toes when the skin temperature drops to room temperature is one of the early signs of approaching frostbite. Additionally, chilblains occur at a stage of irreversible cold damage. Still, they might turn into frostbite with more exposure to cold weather and, in severe cases, need the removal of the injured tissue.


In the winter and the fall seasons, ultraviolet light from the sun can cause sunburn and skin damage, particularly in colder regions. It's a frequent misperception that sunscreen is only necessary when the weather is hot, and the sunlight feels hurtful. However, radiation exposure can cause skin damage if not adequately managed, even on cloudy and cold days. 

If you don't adopt measures to shield your eyes from UV rays, you can suffer burning sensations in the eyes, often known as snow blindness. In addition, of course, long-term exposure to UV radiation increases the risk of skin cancer.

Prevention Guide

It's essential to keep your skin in good shape. The first barrier against bacteria and infections is your skin. An infection can develop when your skin barrier is damaged by itching. Even if your skin isn't troubling you, you may want to include a decent moisturizer like Delfina Dry Skin Oil in your skincare routine.

When you're subjected to extreme temperatures or skin-irritating factors, wear loosely fitted cotton clothing that draws sweat away from the skin.

Keep in mind that dehydrated skin can contribute to more severe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. If DIY methods fail to relieve your dry skin, you may need to consult a doctor for prescription therapy.

One of the most efficient ways to avoid dry skin rashes is daily maintaining a healthy skin barrier. To prevent skin damage and dryness, use a moisturizing sunscreen every day with an SPF of 30 or above and Delfina Dry Skin Oil every night before bed and every morning after bath to achieve desired results.

When moisturizing, stick to products that are not harsh on your skin. We recommend Delfina Dry Skin Oil.

Four ways to treat dry hands

Wearing gloves

Wear gloves frequently if you have dry skin to keep the moisture intact. Lack of moisture on your skin can be annoying, especially while carrying out day-to-day activities. 

Be gentle while washing your hands

Don't rub your hands harshly or wash them with harsh soap or hand wash if you have dry skin issues. Instead, gently wash them and let them dry on their own if you do not have a soft cloth or hand towel.

Limit Outdoor activities

In winters, staying outdoors for long hours can cause your skin to become drier if you are not properly dressed. For instance, if you are not wearing socks or gloves while walking or have not sufficiently moisturized your face, you might face severe dryness issues later. Therefore, apply a small amount of Delfina Dry Skin Oil on your face and body before going out to experience carefree outdoor activities. 

Delfina Dry Skin Oil

You need to have a product that is not only light on your skin, but that is also easy to apply and carry around. Delfina Dry Skin Oil is the answer to your dry skin problems and is a complete vegan solution for your dry skin. It is developed by a doctor to aid in preventing and treating more severe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 

Some Tips to prevent dryness


If you are allergic to a specific fabric, make sure to prevent wearing it or use an alternative so that the skin dryness does not aggravate. Wear loosely fitted clothes to enable air to pass through them so that you don't sweat.

Shower temperatures

Keep your shower temperature warm. Too hot or too cold temperature can cause dryness on the skin, specifically on the hands. Keeping the bathing temperature warm retains your body moisture.

Humidity levels

To maintain the humidity level in the air, use humidifiers in a controlled environment to not cause itching and dryness. When the upper layer of your skin loses water, it becomes dry and needs proper hydration to stay supple and smooth.

Eat healthily

Eating healthy and nutritious food not only helps you stay healthy but also keeps your skin fresh and glowing. Some fruits containing vitamin C and other nutrients are suitable for your skin health. Also, eat plenty of green vegetables as they are rich in antioxidants.

Remember that many of the healthiest foods for healthy skin are also good for your overall health. Concentrate on a healthy diet in general rather than specific foods for healthy skin. Consume a variety of fruits and vegetables. 

Choose dairy products that are low in fat or fat-free. Choose whole-wheat bread and pasta. Limit your sugar consumption. When it comes to healthy eating, try to be as diverse as possible and not stick to a particular diet.

The Bottom line

The takeaway of this blog is to take preventive measures to avoid dry or cracked skin on hands. Use Delfina Dry Skin Oil to prevent and treat skin dryness. Apply it daily, twice a day for at least 14 days to see visible results

Eat healthily and follow other tips to combat dry skin conditions and prevent them from occurring altogether.