How To Heal Your Cracked Heels

It is not uncommon for people, particularly women, to complain about cracked heels interfering with their active lives, preventing them from wearing trendy shoes, and even causing them to experience severe pain. This complaint is especially prevalent among women. This is not only an aesthetic problem; rather, it creates the conditions that might lead to the development of illness. For this reason, it is quite important that you act swiftly and get the assistance of an expert.

There are several potential contributors to the development of cracked heels. In this article, some of those causes, as well as the dangers that they provide, how to begin treatment, and the most effective strategies to battle cracked skin foot, are discussed.

What Are Heel Cracks

Cracks in the heel are a condition that is common in people who have flat feet. There are a number of symptoms associated with this condition, some of which include dryness, thickness, yellowing, and cracking of the skin. It is not unusual for cracks to be little and to vanish quickly when the necessary treatment is provided. When they are neglected, particularly in the setting of an ongoing sickness or infection, they may make walking uncomfortable and can lead to bleeding. This is especially true if the disease or infection is chronic. The podiatrist and the dermatologist are the two professionals who have to be contacted about this matter.

It is common for the following symptoms to occur either before or in conjunction with cracked heels:

  • Dryness and peeling;
  • Coarsening and yellowing of the skin around the heels, the formation of hard calluses;
  • Itching;
  • Discomfort in general and discomfort when walking and standing.

What Causes Heels To Get Cracked

There are a lot of different things that might cause your heels to crack. The majority of the time, it is connected to incorrect care as well as extreme dryness of the skin. The elderly are more likely to suffer from cracked heels, although anybody may get them.

The following are some of the most prevalent causes of cracked heels in adults:

  • Lack of hygiene
  • Overweight
  • Meno- and andropause (Haxthausen syndrome)
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Fungus

According to the medical professional, the occurrence of cracked heels in young individuals is more often connected with the following conditions:

  • Lack of care for the skin of the feet
  • Fungal infections
  • Wearing slippers and high-heeled shoes
  • Prolonged exposure to the feet, especially on hard floors
  • walking barefoot
  • Issues with dry, cracked skin on the foot and cracked heels.

Keep Your Attractiveness

The thick, hairless plantar part  of the foot is home to a large number of sweat glands. If you want to seem healthy and keep your attractiveness, the skin on your heels should have some elasticity. This area of the body's surface has the most substantial layer of skin of any other part of the body. In locations where the bones are supported, a subcutaneous layer of fat that is clearly defined acts as a barrier between the bone and the outside world (e.g., the heel region).

There is an increase in cell division of the skin's surface layer when exposed to continual stress, which is made worse by foot abnormalities, uncomfortable shoes, and strenuous sports. In response to mechanical stress on the skin of the feet, there is an increase in cell division of the skin's surface layer.

The last stage is called hyperkeratosis, and it involves a thickening of the outermost layer of the stratum corneum. As the skin on the feet continues to thicken and mature, the feet gradually lose their suppleness and become less sensitive to the effects of their surrounding environment. As a result, the properties of the skin are changed.

What Are Some Possible Causes Of Cracked Heels?

The most prevalent reasons for cracked heels are fungal infections of the skin of the foot, allergic disorders, eczema, psoriasis, and other types of keratoderma. Wearing shoes that are too tight or going for long walks may also cause mechanical stress, which can contribute to the condition.

As a consequence, people's feet swell, their circulation is reduced, and they get skin diseases on the soles of their feet and around their heels. The appearance of heels may also be negatively affected by a deficiency or excess of certain vitamins. Cracks in the heels may be caused by deficiencies in metabolism, issues with the endocrine system, or the circulatory system.

Are These Problems Really So Significant?

As a consequence of this, the ability to work and take part in physically demanding activities is significantly hindered by the development of cracks. To begin, cracks are dangerous since they provide a "portal" for germs to enter, which may lead to inflammation as well as a variety of other unfavorable effects.

What Exactly Is The Right Therapy, And More Importantly, One That Really Works?

Before beginning treatment for cracked heels, you will need to determine the underlying cause of the condition, see a dermatologist, and submit to any laboratory tests that may be necessary. Treatment has to be specialized since even the most exhaustive treatment of the heels will not provide noticeable results if there are skin issues present.

Fungus of the foot, for instance, need for very specialist antifungal treatment that can only be prescribed by a medical professional. If the cracks were brought on by improper care or footwear, your first order of business should be to alter the conditions that lead to the sickness. This should be your first priority.

Get To The Root Of The Problem

The skin of the heels of nature has a much denser structure than the skin on the body and face, because it is on the heels of the main load during walking.

When the equilibrium of skin cell renewal is disrupted, that is, the pace of new cell creation exceeds the rate of sloughing, problems with the skin of the foot arise. Hyperkeratosis is the medical term for this condition. It causes cracks to form.

Incorrectly chosen shoes might cause this. When the skin is rubbed by shoes that are too tight, the body begins to manufacture new skin cells, which eventually thicken into a keratinized coat. When the weight is distributed unevenly on the foot, new cells are more likely to grow. A high heel or a flat sole also adds to this. To avoid discomfort in your shoes, it's best to get a different pair.

  • In some cases, the emergence of cracks is impacted by poor placement of the foot, when the weight is transferred unevenly over the foot. An orthopedist can help you rule out this possibility.
  • This is only one of many possible reasons. Psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, mycosis, keratoderma, and other skin conditions fall under this category. It is imperative that you get treatment from a dermatologist as soon as possible.
  • Fissures may arise as a result of a deficiency of vitamins, such as a vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis, diabetes, gastritis, or thyroid illness. It's important to see a mental health professional and keep an eye on your chronic conditions in order to rule out any potential issues.

What Is The Best Way To Care For Your Feet At Home?

As long as there is no underlying medical condition, many home remedies  may help with at least in the mitigation of cracked skin. Soap and soda baths work best at home for softening and purifying the skin: two liters of hot water, one spoonful of soda, and one tablespoon of soap. The operation takes 15 minutes to complete. Take a few minutes to soak your feet in the water and gently massage the soles of your feet.

Ointments containing 15% urea and 5% salicylic acid may be used to treat rough skin on the foot. Using these products keeps the skin supple and supple. Vitamin B5 and antimicrobials may be utilized to treat cracks. Cracked heels may be avoided by moisturizing the skin with heated olive oil, massaging, and using petroleum jelly-based creams or ointments. If you follow these basic steps, you'll be able to keep your heels in good condition. However, only a skilled dermatologist can detect the real source of skin changes.

We recommend Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil. Developed by Dr. Chilingaryan, this natural solution has relieved eczema flares, dryness, and itch for countless patients.

It Is Recommended That A Pumice Stone Be Used On A Consistent Basis

Cracks may be seen developing in the epithelial skin of the foot. As a consequence of this fact, stripping away the epithelial layer of skin is an essential component of the treatment. The second step is to make sure that your skin is properly hydrated and softened on a regular basis.

In the early phases of dealing with cracks, tools like saws, pumice stones, and rubbers for the heels may be used. This treatment is appropriate for treating just very shallow cracks that do not bleed and do not create a significant amount of pain.

When using a pumice stone on a consistent basis, you should be careful and not too enthusiastic about it. In an attempt to get to the bottom of their illness as fast as possible, many patients resort to massaging their heels all the way down to the sensitive skin on the bottom of their feet as a last ditch effort. This is not true since the body immediately begins the process of quickly producing new cells in an attempt to protect itself. As a direct result of this, the skin quickly reverts to the texture it had before to the treatment. 

Baths, Masks, And Compresses

Some of the most effective methods for maintaining healthy-looking and feeling skin include regular use of baths, masks, and compresses.

It is possible that eliminating the problem in its early phases and improving the condition of the skin may be accomplished by combining a number of different home treatments with regular removal of keratinized skin.

The best methods for achieving this aim are to take baths containing oils and to apply compresses containing those oils. When it comes to household chores, I do not recommend using strong chemicals like hydrogen peroxide or vinegar because of the potential of chemical burns. Vinegar is also a good choice.

It is recommended that you make use of professional goods in order to treat cracks in your skin at home. These items might include lotions, masks, and baths. This will prevent any damage from being done to the skin. Start your at-home care routine with a foot bath that includes a foot steamer by running a warm bath. After that, you may exfoliate your feet with a pumice stone and then apply a lotion that softens your skin. 

Deep Cracks Need Medical Attention

If the cracks are more than a few millimeters thick, it is essential to contact a doctor since the problem cannot be fixed at home on your own. It is impossible to overlook the fact that deep fractures lead to the development of keratinized skin on the edges of the fissures as well as within the fissures themselves. As a consequence of this, the process of healing is slowed down. In order for the fracture to shut and heal, it is vital to eliminate the dead cells that function as a barrier to the regeneration process. cracked feet can be softened with shea butter.

A podologist treats profound fractures of any source. When it comes to the treatment of foot problems, he is a one-stop shop for everything, including surgery, dermatology, and orthopedics. painful heel cracks are possible with just dry skin. cracked heels worse with harsh soaps.

With the assistance of a podologist, keratinized skin is removed, problem areas are addressed, and orthotics are installed in order to lessen the amount of pressure that is placed on the foot. A single therapist may be able to provide both aftercare therapy and insight into the factors that contributed to the development of fissures. Skin retain moisture when you have cracked heels medically reviewed. 

How To Treat Heel Cracks

  1. Figure out what's causing the cracks in the concrete. Both dermatologists and podiatrists are qualified to assist you with this matter. It is essential to exclude skin problems from consideration as a possible cause of the fissures.
  2. You should start treatment as soon as you see even the tiniest fissure in your skin. As a consequence of prolonged stress, cracks will grow in width, length, and depth. When you allow yourself more time to recover, you'll see improvements in both how soon and how efficiently they appear.
  3. Utilizing a pumice stone on a regular basis is the most effective method for removing keratinized skin. When using a pumice stone, it is important to exercise caution so as not to remove an excessive amount of skin at once.
  4. To alleviate the roughness of dry skin on your feet, try using foot baths and masks, along with an emollient lotion.
  5. Utilize products designed specifically for professional foot care. Burns caused by chemicals may be prevented by avoiding the use of very harsh compounds. Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are two examples of this kind of substance. Pedicure socks should not be worn if the foot already has any sores on it, thus their use is something that should be approached with prudence. 

Moisturize The Heels With Special Products

There is a possibility that the first sign of cracking will be the appearance of dry, rough skin around the heel. When a person walks or stands for an extended amount of time in shoes that are too narrow or too wide, they put a lot of pressure on certain areas of their feet. They might affect both feet or just one, range in severity, and be associated with varied degrees of discomfort or agony. Prevent cracked heels and dry cracked heels with special products.

You may want to try using special treatments to hydrate your heels in order to get rid of the cracks that have developed in them. If, on the other hand, you have a fungal infection or a reaction to a disease that lasts for a long time like diabetes, you need to design a treatment plan with the assistance of your doctor. Keep in mind that dead skin cells are often the root cause of dry skin issues.

The best solution is to get the best product to get rid of cracked heels. It has been proven by thousands of people that Delfina Skin Oil is the best product that helps treat cracked heels. For the fastest results, you should make sure that your skin is clean so you should use it either wash it before using it or immediately after you use the shower to slough off dead skin.

The damaged skin on your foot may be completely remedied with Delfina Dry Skin Oil. It helps to prevent the dryness of the skin, which finally leads to the elimination of cracked skin. In addition, it is recommended to routinely use this revolutionary product  over the course of a few weeks when you first begin the treatment and continue to use it several times a week to prevent chronic skin dryness, which eventually leads to cracked skin including cracked heels.

Routine Care And Hydrating Is Necessary To Get Rid Of Cracked Heels

In the most extreme circumstances, medical professionals such as physicians and surgeons are sent in to provide assistance. If the issue is primarily about the appearance of the feet, then doing routine care and hydrating them should help resolve the issue very fast. The following are some possible solutions to the problem of cracked heels. 

Using Lotions And Balms To Hydrate Your Skin Is The First Step

Urea-based foot creams are among the most popular on the market (urea). It improves the suppleness of the skin. Dermatologists assure that a cream's urea concentration should be between 5 and 10 percent.

As well as hydrating, these creams have an antimicrobial impact on the skin. A variety of oils, including olive, coconut, and others, are used in these creams.

Clean, dry feet should be rubbed in thoroughly with the cream each morning and/or evening before going to bed.

Aside from that, doctors suggest products containing:

Foot Treatment With A Pedicure

If your feet have issues like cracks or calluses, you should treat them at least once every two to three weeks at the absolute least. A hardware pedicure that makes use of smart discs is one method that is successful. Using this method, you will be able to treat any issue that affects your foot, including cracks, calluses, corns, and other similar conditions. Following it, you will have improved foot health for a longer period of time. 

Use Exfoliating Foot Socks

Utilize socks that exfoliate the skin of the feet in order to treat and soften the skin on your feet at home. Urea is present in both their composition and the cream, in addition to a combination of other acids. Both of these things may be found.

They assist in the removal of corns, coarsened skin, and corns. However, in contrast to a traditional pedicure, the effects of these pedicures do not become apparent right away but rather over a period of two weeks. 

How To Use Socks For Pedicure

  • After washing your feet, put the socks on them.
  • You should stay on your feet for at least an hour and up to two hours.
  • After that, rinse the remainder of the mask off your face with warm water and pat your feet dry. In addition, you may apply lotion to the feet in order to lubricate them.
  • The calluses and rough skin will fall off on their own between days 5 and 8, but you may speed up the process by using baths and scrubbing. 

Get Ready For Some Warm Foot Showers

The skin that surrounds broken heels is often thicker and drier than the rest of the foot. It will become more pliable after soaking in warm water, which will make it simpler to exfoliate using a pumice stone or foot file. According to the experts, if there's an opportunity, it's highly recommended taking baths with essential oils and salt.

The process might be carried out in the following manner:

  • Keep your feet in warm soapy water for up to 20 minutes.
  • Then use a loofah or pumice stone for treatment.
  • At the end of the treatment, blot your feet dry.
  • Apply heel balm or moisturizer. 

To Carry Out The Wraps

For this technique, a range of methods, including natural ones, are appropriate. Take the case of honey, for instance. According to the findings of study, this item has antimicrobial as well as antibacterial qualities. Honey has antiseptic properties, so it may be used to disinfect wounds, and it also hydrates the skin. You may either scrub your feet with it or put it on as a mask for your feet.

Because of its ability to help the skin maintain moisture, coconut oil is a popular treatment option for dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. Because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics, it will assist in preventing infections from developing in cracks.

According to many experts, specific lotions designed to treat cracks and abrasions may be used on wraps. They often include the vitamins A, E, and F, as well as D-panthenol and particles of silver. Feet should be pre-oiled and then covered with cling film while wearing socks. After approximately an hour or two of wearing the mask, take off the film and socks before continuing. 

Avoidance Of Painful Cracked Heels

If you want to avoid having cracked heels, there are a few tips you should follow:

  • Check your feet every day for any early indications of cracking, and if it's at all feasible, try to wear shoes that aren't too tight but are still comfortable.
  • Check your feet every day for any early indications of cracking, and if it's at all feasible, try to wear shoes that aren't too tight but are still comfortable.
  • Stay away from sandals with open heels
  • wear socks, stockings, or tights of excellent quality; avoid putting undue pressure on your feet for an extended period of time, particularly while standing still
  • Consume enough amounts of water throughout the day to prevent becoming dehydrated, and treat your feet regularly with a rich moisturizer. 

Products For Achieving Super Smooth Heels

You are free to put cosmetics on your heels as long as the skin there is not reddened or inflamed. It is preferable that the ointment or foot lotion include panthenol in addition to vitamins A and E. They make the skin softer and speed up the process of the skin's natural renewal.

These creams may be used to produce a night mask, which can then be applied to clean skin on the foot. In order to do this, apply a thick layer before bed and place clean socks on top of it. It is not a good idea to cover your feet with film since an excessive amount of moisture is one of the causes of cracks.

Cracked nipples may be treated using lotions designed specifically for pregnant women and nursing mothers. They are often easier to digest and have all of the required components to facilitate quick recovery (such as lanolin). 

We recommend Delfina Skin Oil as your solution for treatment and prevention of cracked skin.


Another Well-Liked Kind Of Treatment

Urea-containing lotions are another well-liked kind of treatment. They have a keratolytic action, which means they smooth the rough skin on the foot, making it much simpler to remove once the effect has taken place. As a result, the epithelium is brought back to its healthy state and the skin itself becomes more elastic.

It will take much more time to rebuild the skin if the cracks on the heels are really deep. When dealing with severe cracks, it is best to seek the assistance of an expert; nevertheless, surface faults may be treated individually in as little as a week or two. In this particular scenario, in addition to using local treatments, it is vital to unload the heel region using specialized insoles in order for the therapy to be as successful as possible. 

The Bottom Line

It is unusual for individuals, especially women, to complain about cracked heels interfering with their busy lifestyles, prohibiting them from wearing fashionable shoes, and even causing serious discomfort. This ailment is more common among women. This is more than just an aesthetic issue; it also provides the circumstances for sickness to develop. As a result, it is critical that you move quickly and seek the advice of a professional. There are various factors that might contribute to cracked heels. Some of these reasons, as well as the hazards they pose, how to begin therapy, and the most efficient techniques to combat cracked skin foot, are described in this article.

Cracks in the heel are a typical ailment in those who have poor balance. This illness is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including skin dryness, thickness, yellowing, and cracking. It is fairly uncommon for cracks to be little and to disappear rapidly when the proper treatment is applied. When they are ignored, especially in the context of a chronic illness or infection, they may make walking difficult and result in bleeding. This is particularly true if the illness or infection is long-term. The podiatrist and dermatologist are the two people that should be notified about this.

To treat cracked heels:

  1. Find out what led to the fractures appearing in the concrete and fix them. Dermatologists and podiatrists are the kind of medical professionals that are able to provide you assistance with this subject. It is vital to rule out skin disorders as a potential cause of the cracks before investigating any other possibilities.
  2. You should begin therapy as soon as you see even the slightest crack in your skin, regardless of how little it is. The result of sustained stress is the development of fractures that are wider, longer, and deeper than before. When you give yourself more time to recuperate, you'll see improvements in the speed with which they occur as well as the efficiency with which they are performed.
  3. The most efficient way for eliminating keratinized skin is to make consistent use of a pumice stone to scrub the affected area. It is essential to use extreme care while working with a pumice stone so that an excessive quantity of skin is not shed all at once.
  4. You may try utilizing foot baths and masks, in addition to an emollient lotion, in order to ease the roughness that is caused by dry skin on your feet.
  5. Make use of items that have been developed expressly for use in professional foot care. By minimizing the use of highly strong substances, it is possible to prevent burns brought on by chemical reactions. This kind of material includes things like vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, for instance. Pedicure socks should not be worn on the foot if the foot already has any sores on it; thus, their usage is something that is to be treated with caution. Pedicure socks can be purchased at most beauty supply stores.
  6. Moisturize heels regularly with Delfina Skin Oil to have the desired result and feel pleasant and satisfied. This revolutionary product will help you skip all the rigorous methods for treating cracked heels, and will provide you with the one-stop solution to not only eliminate cracked heels, but to also prevent it from happening in the first place.