How to Minimize the Risk of Eczema Flare-Ups on Hot Summer Days

In the middle of the season, summer is a time for family reunions, barbecues, beach vacations, and picnics. But, unfortunately, this season may be marked by itchy, uncomfortable skin flare-ups rather than fun in the sun for those who suffer from the chronic skin condition eczema.

Eczema, also referred to as atopic dermatitis, is a term used for skin conditions that result in rashes. Atopic dermatitis often affects people with hay fever or asthma. On your face, elbows, knees, hands, and feet, eczema can appear. While redness and inflammation can seem alarming, they are not contagious.

Like any chronic condition, experts emphasize the importance of alerting flares, especially when you plan to spend time in the sun during hot and dry weather. Our team has compiled a list of our top tips for protecting your skin and alleviating eczema symptoms this summer.

Does heat exacerbate eczema?

Eczema flare-ups are more common in the winter. The weather is cold and windy outside, while the air inside is dry and centrally heated. Transitioning between these two environments may exacerbate eczema flares. Eczema symptoms improve in natural sunlight. However, each person with eczema has unique triggers, and for some people, hot weather exacerbates the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Restriction of Contact with Specific Household Items

If you can identify the triggers for your flare-ups, make every effort to avoid them. If your triggers are challenging to identify, some household products are more likely to lead to an itchy eczema encounter. Limit your contact with or keep track of your contact with:

  • Polyester and wool
  • Soaps scented
  • Detergents for laundry
  • Shave lotions with chemicals
  • Benzoyl peroxide and other solvents
  • Certain chemical cleaners for the home

Seek shade

Since high temperatures and sunlight exposure can worsen eczema, at least the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 should protect your skin daily. In addition, take precautions in the hottest part of the day to prevent excessive sun exposure.

Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., the sun is at its peak. Avoid direct sunlight during these hours to avoid skin irritation. Wear sleeves that are long and long pants along with a big border hat to protect your neck and face if there is no shadow.

Bath and Shower Etiquette 

Take short, warm baths or showers. Long, hot showers can dehydrate your skin, increasing its susceptibility to flare-ups. Utilize unscented bath products sparingly. When finished, pat yourself dry with a soft towel. Avoid rubbing. Apply moisturizer just after a shower; your skin will lock more moisturizer. Moisturizers can be in any form; spray moisturizers are preferable.

Stress Reduction

Stressing out about your eczema aggravates it, as does scratching it. Additionally, stress, in general, can trigger a flare-up. Using stress reduction techniques, like deep breathing and meditation, and identifying areas of your life where stress can be reduced can help prevent eczema.


Dry skin is prone to irritation. It becomes brittle and congested, which can exacerbate eczema flare-ups. The key to avoiding dry skin is to moisturize your entire body at least twice daily. Choose moisturizers that are fragrance-free and contain few additional ingredients such as natural ingredients like Rose Hip, Avocado, Chamomile Pomegranate, Water, etc. Don’t worry about finding a perfect moisturizer for all these ingredients. We have done all the research. 

We present you Delfina Dry Skin Oil. It relieves and improves skin dryness regardless of the source or cause of the condition. Additionally, it serves as a preventative measure as well as a solution for eczema, psoriasis, and cracked skin. Furthermore, it retains its potency even after a wash and does not leave your skin greasy or oily after it is applied. As a result, your skin will be soft and pleasant.

How does Delfina Dry Skin Oil Works?

Delfina Skin hydrates the skin layers by penetrating them. Delfina should be applied twice daily for the first 14 days with one spray per application on the desired area. Then, continue using it weekly; the frequency of application is dependent on the condition.

Generally, within the first two weeks of using Delfina, the skin clears of eczema lesions, resulting in new and improved skin. However, significant changes can be observed almost immediately.

The procedure is identical for children and adults. Generally, it takes between 5 days and one month for the skin to improve when Delfina is used consistently as directed.

Once all lesions have disappeared, Delfina should be applied once a day to four times a week to prevent eczema manifestations.

This doctor-developed formula combines the insights of science with the offerings of nature to manage eczema gently and effectively.

Wear Gloves 

It should be self-evident that you should wear gloves when venturing out into the cold. Wearing gloves in cold weather not only keeps you warm but also protects your hands from the drying effects of the cold air, which can aggravate your eczema. However, you should wear gloves, preferably plastic ones, when doing dishes or performing other tasks that expose your hands to chemicals or irritants. Allow your hands to breathe while wearing the gloves occasionally, as you do not want them to sweat. Sweating can also aggravate eczema.

Change Out of Wet Clothing as Soon as Possible 

If you struggle with eczema-prone skin, your summer mantra should be staying dry. For example, if sweat begins to build up and your T-shirt starts to stick to your back, change into dry clothes as soon as possible. According to a source, changing clothes when wet with sweat is vital for managing sweat in eczema patients.

Maintain hydration

When you sweat, your body lacks moisture, and dry skin can worsen the symptoms of eczema. Drink plenty of fluids all day to hydrate your skin and body. Opt for water, but sports drinks with electrolytes can be a good option if you do a demanding physical activity.

Select clothing with care

Wool and other rough, coarse materials can irritate the skin. As comfortable as wool, an eczema patient should not wear it – not directly on their skin, at least. 

Given the irritant nature of wool gloves, it is best to opt for leather or cotton gloves. So try to wear as comfortable and preferably breathable clothing as you can, but remember to wear full sleeves and jeans to avoid contact with harmful UV rays.

Maintain a cool temperature

While a long steamy shower may be beneficial for sore muscles, hot water is extremely drying to the skin. Maintain warm to lukewarm temperatures and pat your skin dry afterward to help retain the moisture you gained in the shower. Additionally, inspect your soap, body wash, and other skincare products and, if necessary, switch to gentle cleansers that remove impurities without drying.

If you're having difficulty managing your eczema and would like to improve your control of this joint, itchy, and persistent skin condition, call a dermatologist for a consultation.

Utilize a humidifier 

Indoor air can become quite dry, aggravating eczema. Similar to changes in humidity or temperature, these changes can trigger eczema. A humidifier will help to rehydrate the dry indoor air. Generally, humidity levels of 45 to 55% are optimal.

Stop scratching 

It can be challenging to resist the urge to scratch, so keep nails short to avoid breaking the skin if you can't help yourself. Applying a cold compress to the itchy area can help alleviate the sensation and avoid irritants and common triggers of flare-ups.

Bottom Line 

We understand how frustrating dry, itchy skin can be. Still, you can regain control of your eczema with these tips by avoiding triggers and using effective moisturizers like Delfine Dry Skin Oil. These changes can inhibit eczema; you can help alleviate dry skin symptoms and discomfort, resulting in healthier-looking skin.

Understanding which allergens cause the rash is one of the most effective ways to prevent eczema. Dermatologists can assist you by conducting tests to determine which substances your skin reacts to, allowing you to develop a plan to avoid contact with the things that trigger your skin the most. In addition, Delfina Dry Skin Oil is always there to get you through your eczema.