Currently, there is not one single classification that can be applied to all types of eczema. In particular, nummular eczema is categorized as a dermatosis with uncertain etiology the majority of the time; yet, there are situations when it is categorized as a form of microbial eczema. It would appear that different techniques for evaluating this nosological form are predetermined by the probability of disease onset at different ages.
Therefore, nummular eczema, or nummular dermatitis is typically accompanied in infants and young children by foci of persistent infection. On the other hand, there is a considerable preponderance of elderly males among adult patients, and in these individuals, a definite association with foci of infection cannot be identified.
An inflammatory skin illness known as nummular eczema, also known as discoid dermatitis, is characterized by the growth of distinctive oval or round red-brown patches on various body sections. These patches can be seen everywhere on the body.
The development of nummular eczema typically occurs between 50 and 70 in male patients. The annual incidence is estimated to be 2 cases for every 1,000 individuals in the population, according to the statistics. The manifestation of the disease is usually always linked to having dry skin, and in some cases, it is also related to having a history of atopic dermatitis.
What Exactly Is This Skin Disorder?
Because the word "nummular" comes from the Latin word for "coin-shaped," nummular eczema (or dermatitis) is also occasionally referred to as "discoid eczema." People who have nummular eczema may have patches of their skin that are round or oval (coin-shaped), red, itchy, or even burning. These patches appear most frequently in areas of the body that have experienced past skin damage (such as burns, scrapes, scratches, or insect bites).
Although these spots manifest themselves on the feet the vast majority of the time, they are also capable of showing up on the hands, palms, torso, and feet. In addition, the size can differ; the diameter of multiple eczema spots can range anywhere from a quarter of an inch to more than four inches. The spots initially appear as clusters of very little red patches and blisters. After that, they get bigger and eventually merge to form a round patch, a hallmark of numeric eczema. This particular form of eczema strikes males most frequently between the ages of 55 and 65, but it can affect people of any age.
What Are The Typical Signs And Symptoms?
The following is a list of possible signs and symptoms of nummular eczema:
- There are spherical patches on the legs, arms, hands, feet, and chest that might be pink, red, or brownish with definite edges.
- Skin that is itchy (itches) and/or burning
- Ulcers that appear as blisters and have liquid coming from them; lead to crusting and eventually peeling of the skin.
- Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that is commonly found on the skin, can cause an infection that results in yellow crusts.
The skin will typically be clear in the spaces between eczema spots; however, it may be dry or easily inflamed. It is also uncommon for nummular eczema to have a fluctuating course; for example, a few days or months after your spots have faded, they may reappear, or new lesions may grow in the surrounding area.
The Factors That Lead To Nummular Eczema
Nummular eczema is a skin condition for which the exact etiology is unknown to medical professionals; nevertheless, there are a number of factors that have been shown to either play a part in the development of this condition or enhance the risk of its occurrence.
People with a history of nummular eczema, for instance, also have a history of other types of eczema, asthma, or allergies. Eczema can be brought on by a variety of skin allergies, particularly to substances like formaldehyde and metals (like nickel).
Additional contributors to an increased risk of nummular eczema include the following:
- Being a resident of a harsh and dry environment
- Very dry skin (xerosis)
- A variety of minor cuts on the skin, including but not related to scratches, insect bites, chemical burns, etc.
- Skin infection caused by bacteria
- Feet that are swollen and/or have poor blood circulation
- Stress is yet another element that may increase the likelihood of developing nummular eczema.
The Factors That Lead To Nummular Eczema
A few theories are going about in the scientific community on what causes nummular eczema, even if its causes are not completely understood at this time. The idea that has received the most support is one that proposes a link between the disease and dry skin. This condition, in essence, makes the person's skin less protected against the aggressive action of inflammatory and irritating chemicals.
Other research has found a correlation between the development of nummular eczema and the bites of certain insects. In contrast, other research has found a correlation between the condition and the use of specific medications.

Nummular Eczema's Typical Signs And Symptoms
Nummular eczema is characterized by the appearance of patches on the skin that vary greatly. In point of fact, these blemishes may be oval or round in shape, range in size from several millimeters to several centimeters, range in color from pink to brown, be dry, scaly, or wet, and cause itching and suffering.
The spots can manifest themselves anywhere on the body. The forearms, legs, belly, and back are the areas that are most commonly affected. Because the role that infectious agents play in nummular eczema has not been investigated, it is not possible for it to be passed from person to person by casual physical contact. In certain circumstances, the itching can become very severe, particularly during the night. Scratching can put a person at risk of developing a bacterial infection of the skin, which can be quite painful.
One Of Its Defining Features
It is possible to observe a distinct seasonal pattern of the disease in the vast majority of patients, despite the fact that the majority of relapses take place during the months of autumn and winter. This is true regardless of the person's age or gender. The intense itching that comes with nummular eczema is one of its defining features. On the background of the widespread erythematous patches that can be found on the chest and extremities, tiny papules and vesicles can develop foci that are as large as 4-5 centimeters in diameter.
The lesions have a round appearance, like the edge of a coin (nummular means coin-like in Latin). Mucous membranes and crusts could appear with the lesions in some cases. Scratching causes excoriations, which are cuts and scrapes on the skin. The lesions can range in hue from light pink to a deep, dark red. The condition is characterized by a high rate of relapses.
The Next Feature Of Eczema
At the outset of the condition, an individual may only exhibit a single type of allergic reaction. As eczema continues, the body of the person reacts qualitatively and quantitatively to many irritants and allergens, which indicates the development of multivalent sensitivity, which is a feature of eczema. A delayed allergic reaction is the hallmark of a classic eczematous reaction. However, there is a possibility of experiencing immediate or delayed effects as a result of taking B vitamins, local anesthetics, and other medications.
The specific body's immune environment is necessary for the reaction that takes place between antigens and antibodies. Alterations to the state of homeostasis have a substantial influence on the mechanisms that underlie the development of allergic symptoms (disorders of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, which are in constant interaction). The investigation of the immune status of patients reveals a reduction in the number of SD4, which indicates a significant suppression of immunity in patients under the age of 30, but not in patients over the age of 50.
It is possible to explain the frequently observed complications of the eczematous process with secondary strepto staphyloderma, which worsens the course of the disease and leads to additional hypersensitivity of the body. Violations of nonspecific protective factors are manifested by a decrease in the functional activity of neutrophils.
How Do Medical Professionals Determine If Someone Has Nummular Eczema?
A dermatologist or other trained medical expert should be able to recognize nummular eczema only by looking at the affected area. However, a skin sample of the sores in issue may be necessary if the affected areas exhibit symptoms that are typical of a bacterial infection. If your doctor suspects you have allergic contact dermatitis or skin hypersensitivity, a patch test may be a good next step. Thus, only dermatologists complete nummular eczema diagnosis and accordingly identify nummular eczema.
The symptoms of nummular eczema can also be caused by other skin conditions, including but not limited to:
- Atopic dermatitis
- Allergic contact dermatitis
- Commonly referred to by its common name, ringworm is a fungal skin illness recognized medically as tinea corporis. Skin scrapings stained with potassium hydroxide can help a clinician detect tinea corporis.
- Inadequate blood flow is the root cause of congestive dermatitis.
- Dry, flaky skin and an itchy rash are classic symptoms of psoriasis. During this some people have lighter skin while others have darker skin.
Nummular Eczema Treatment And It's Prevention
The fact that some individuals react very positively to a given medicine while others find that same treatment to be ineffective and even potentially harmful adds a layer of complexity to the process of treating the disease (for example, an allergic reaction may occur).
In the treatment of nummular eczema, emollients are known to play a very significant part, therefore it is crucial to keep this fact in mind. Oily ingredients are typically included in the primary formulation of these products. Their usage alleviates irritation and encourages the regeneration of the skin. They also help with severe nummular eczema when a person has an inflamed skin.
It is recommended that emollients be used in sufficient quantities and multiple times per day. It is recommended to work them into the skin in a gentle manner. If the skin is really dry, massaging the area every three to four hours is recommended.
The use of corticosteroids has been shown to have a significant anti-inflammatory impact. Ointments are great for treating severe forms of eczema, but creams are more effective for treating intermediate indications of the illness. It is not recommended to take these medicines more than twice a day or for longer than three to four weeks at a time. It is recommended that you first treat the skin with a soothing agent to promote the pharmacological action of the corticosteroid that will be used. This should be done before applying them to the area that is affected by the condition.
Many people find that some creams and ointments have only a temporary effect, and they face the same issue from time to time. That's why it's much preferable to choose Delfina Skin Oil if you suffer from eczema or dry skin in general. The product is made with natural ingredients, and it's hardly possible that it can cause any adverse effects. The coolest thing is that the Oil has long-lasting effects and is both a treatment and prevention tool for eczema.
Avoid Taking Baths With An Excessive Amount Of Foam
Antibiotic treatment is suggested if a bacterial infection is found in the area that is affected by the condition. And antihistamines are recommended to be taken if the individual experiences extreme itching in addition to strong irritation. A favorable prognosis for the condition is anticipated in the event that it does not develop any problems (like an infection caused by bacteria), and the appropriate treatment is selected.
Avoid taking baths with an excessive amount of foam since this can cause the skin to become very dry, and speak with a dermatologist about the cleansers that are best suited for dry skin. These are some of the best tips for preventing the condition.
What Kind Of Treatment Is The Best For Nummular Eczema?
Taking care of your skin is an essential component in treating nummular eczema successfully. A significant step toward improving your skin health is to take measures to treat dry skin and cut down on your contact with substances that aggravate the skin.
- Take warm showers rather than hot ones, and only use gentle soaps and shampoos.
- At the very least, you should moisturize your skin twice a day, especially after you get out of the shower.
- The skin should be protected from a variety of potential irritants, including cuts, scrapes, scratches, and insect bites.
- Stay away from touch clothing that is rough (e.g., wool). Instead, you should put on textiles that are pliable and breathable.
- Having a humidifier in your home might assist in preventing your skin from becoming dry and irritated.
It's possible that these approaches won't be sufficient to treat all instances of nummular eczema. Although there is no known cure, there are effective treatments that can help you manage your symptoms and make you feel better. One of them is Delfina Skin Oil. In addition to being an excellent, more substantial moisturizer, it can be applied to the affected spots to ease dryness and chapping, and it can help hasten the healing process and calm small burns, cuts, and scrapes.
Creams with a high concentration of corticosteroids can be administered topically to the affected areas between one and two times per day for two to four weeks, or until the lesions vanish. In the event that topical steroid treatments are unsuccessful, phototherapy or light therapy may be of assistance.
Phototherapy can involve applying a narrow band of ultraviolet light B to the problematic areas, or it can simply involve sitting in the natural sunlight for 10 to 30 minutes on a daily basis. Phototherapy has been linked to an increased risk of developing skin cancer; therefore, you should see your physician before beginning treatment with this technique.
Oral medicines may be necessary for the treatment of nummular eczema in a minority of patients. Since these are systemic pharmaceuticals, it is more likely that they would induce adverse effects as compared to topical therapies.
If you think you could have nummular eczema, consult your primary care physician for guidance on how to manage your symptoms and stay healthy in the future.
What Can Cause Eczema In General?
External and internal factors can both contribute to the development of eczema. Exposure to dyes, rubber products, home chemicals, jewelry, pet hair and plants, insect bites, and sunshine are examples of causes that come from the outside. The health of the individual is a factor in determining the internal causes of eczema.
Eczema is thought to be caused by dysfunction in the body's immune, neurological, or endocrine systems, according to research by scientists. In addition, gut disease is another potential cause of eczema as it can exacerbate the condition. It is possible to have this condition if you have cholecystitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, constipation, or even worms. Because the microorganisms in the wound sustain a prolonged inflammatory process, eczema can sometimes develop in the same area as a chronic wound or burn that has been present for a long period of time.
Eczema can be brought on by sensitivities to dust, foods, or chemicals, and it can also be brought on in children by exudative diathesis. Eczema is characterized by a chronic course of the disease with concomitant disorders such as tonsillitis, maxillitis, and mycosis of the feet. Additionally, eczema is characterized by a rash that can appear anywhere on the body. The development of eczema can be triggered by a number of factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, and a propensity that is inherited.
Eczema is a chronic condition that can come and go. Patients frequently experience recurrences of the condition throughout their entire lives, even if it was first diagnosed during childhood or adolescence. For some individuals, eczema only appears sometimes and for a short period of time, whereas for others, even before the current relapse is ended, another relapse has already taken place, and the remission is only partial and temporary.
How Can Eczema Be Treated Naturally At Home?
Because eczema flare-ups are so unpredictable, it is essential to develop good practices for skin care. Due to the fact that dry skin is the primary cause, everyday skin care is the most effective method for preventing eczema.
It is advised to have a shower or bath every day; however, the amount of time spent in the water should not exceed ten minutes, and hot water should be avoided because it causes the skin to become dry. The only places where soap should be used are the armpits and the intimate areas. Because it might remove the skin's healthy oils, soap is not always required to use in all situations.
After you get out of the shower, pat your skin with a towel until it's completely dry, but don't scrub or rub it. Apply a generous amount of moisturizer all over your body while the skin is still damp. Do this while the skin is still damp.
What Kinds Of Products Should You Use?
You should, as a general rule, make use of items that are free of scents and preservatives. When you shower, steer clear of foamy products and opt for soaps that are formulated specifically for those with eczema or sensitive skin. When caring for your face, choose cleansers that are gentle and creamy, or even cleansing lotions, as they are gentler on the skin while still effectively removing makeup.
When it comes to moisturizing and emollient treatments, heavier formulations or even oil-based solutions are typically the most effective in locking moisture into the skin. Ceramides are natural lipids, but eczema-affected skin frequently lacks them, which can make the condition worse.
Ceramide-containing moisturizers are able to repair the skin barrier more effectively than other types. Also, seek products that are made specifically for those with sensitive skin or skin that is prone to eczema. These products typically do not contain any aroma and are hypoallergenic.
Additional Pointers For Treating Eczema At Home And In Your Daily Life
- Avoid rubbing your skin an excessive amount. The mechanical reaction generates tiny cracks in the skin, which can either induce eczema or make symptoms of the condition worse if it already exists. It's easy to scratch yourself with wool and other materials or fabrics that are rough. Instead of using other materials for apparel, try cotton because it is breathable.
- Keep your skincare routine to no more than a few times a month. Try to stay away from products that include retinol or alpha hydroxy acids. In general, they have a stronger drying effect on the skin. If you are using these products for the first time, you should begin when your skin is clear of dermatitis and use them only a couple of times per week. If your skin is able to take them, you should then progressively increase the frequency of usage until you are using them nightly. If eczema starts acting up again, give yourself a rest.
Itching is typically more severe in the evening. Itching is something that can be reduced by sleeping in conditions that are cooler. Steer clear of electric blankets because the heat can make itching worse and cause the skin to become dry. During the dry winter months, reintroducing moisture into your bedroom may be as simple as placing a humidifier in your sleeping space.
Scratching your skin when it is already highly itchy can simply make the itching worse and cause rashes to appear. Instead, you might try taking a bath in colloidal oatmeal for ten to fifteen minutes to relieve dry skin and lessen the irritation. Not only can cold compresses calm irritated skin, but they also distract from the sensation of itching.
People who are prone to developing hand eczema should keep in mind that washing one's hands too frequently can irritate the skin. Applying hand cream right away after washing your hands can be helpful in this regard. Before touching chemicals or washing the dishes, it is a good idea to cover your hands by donning a pair of rubber gloves for further safety.
The Link Between Diet And Eczema
The relationship between diet and eczema is a contentious one. To this day, no research has demonstrated that a specific diet may bring on eczema on its own. People who suffer from severe eczema or severe seasonal allergies are more likely to have food allergies, but the immune responses to each condition are not the same.
Avoiding foods to which a person is allergic is important because of the potential of anaphylaxis; nevertheless, eating foods to which a person is allergic does not necessarily result in eczema. Food restriction is not recommended, especially in young children and infants, unless there is a clear link between the eating of a particular food and the emergence of a rash.
In most cases, there is not such an obvious correlation. On the other hand, consuming a diet that is well-balanced and that includes proteins, and healthy fats is typically advantageous for the body. It may be advantageous to avoid foods that increase inflammation, such as those with a high glycaemic index or meals that have undergone a significant amount of processing.
Studies conducted in clinical settings have demonstrated that taking probiotics on a regular basis helps lessen the severity of eczema. Fish oil, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to be beneficial for skin regeneration and inflammation reduction.
When Should One Go To The Doctor?
It is important to get checked out by a dermatologist as soon as you see any signs of eczema. It is essential to carry out a thorough investigation in order to identify the plethora of elements that contributed to the onset of the problem.
A dermatologist should be contacted as well if there is a history of eczema in at least one of the patient's parents and if the individual has an allergy to any of the disease's known causes. The likelihood of acquiring eczema in the future can be reduced by going to the doctor as soon as possible and following the suggestions that they give you.
The Bottom Line
The fact that some people have very favorable reactions to a certain medication while other people find the same treatment to be useless and even possibly hazardous adds an additional layer of complication to the process of treating the disease (for example, an allergic reaction may occur).
Emollients are recognized to play a very significant part in the treatment of nummular eczema; as a result, it is essential to keep this fact in mind. Components with an oily consistency are frequently used in the initial composition of these goods. The application of them helps reduce inflammation and promotes the regeneration of the skin.
It is strongly suggested that emollients be utilized on a daily basis in suitable quantities and at multiple intervals. When incorporating them into the skin, it is advised to do it in a delicate manner. It is recommended that you massage the affected area once every three to four hours if the skin is really dry.
It has been demonstrated that the use of corticosteroids significantly reduces inflammation in the body. Creams are more efficient than ointments for treating moderate to severe eczema symptoms, but ointments are wonderful for treating the most severe forms of the condition.
It is not advisable to use these medications more than twice per day or for longer than three to four weeks at a time at any given period. It is strongly suggested that you begin by treating the skin with a calming agent in order to enhance the pharmacological effect of the corticosteroid that will later be applied. Before applying them to the region that is afflicted by the ailment, this step needs to be completed first.
A lot of people have discovered the best remedy for their eczema. There is no doubt that this is Delfina Skin Oil. This product protects the skin barrier with natural components to ensure optimal function. Its lightweight consistency is easy to apply across vast surface areas and will not leave the skin feeling heavy or oily after it has been applied.