How to manage Excessive Dry Skin and Itchy Xerosis in Elderly?
What Causes Excessive Dry Skin?
Keeping your skin feeling and looking healthy is the most important area to address. It’s all well and good finding something that works for your dry skin but keeping up that maintenance is necessary for any future aggravation. So, if you’ve already got something that works for you, use it. However, sometimes those cures you’ve sworn by for years, suddenly don’t work as well as they used to. There’s reasons why. Your skin changes as you get older as its moisture levels deplete. Aging causes the lipid content of the outer layer of the skin (the Stratum Corneum) to decrease. This is where your skin holds its moisture, so it loses its own natural protection. Then there’s the central heating, which further dries out skin.
You might have changed your bath products or your cleaning products, abrasive cleansers (around the home and on the body) can strip skin of its natural oils. A weather change can also cause dry patches and itchiness (extreme heat and extreme cold are good examples) and wearing manmade fibers next to your skin can cause excess sweating, which leads to dryness and aggravated skin. Love a hot bath or shower? That scalding water strips skin of its natural hydration. Perhaps you’re on medication? Some conditions cause further skin discomfort, so if you have diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or Sjorgren’s syndrome.
Dry skin is a common condition. It can occur at any age and for many reasons. There are many ways to treat dry skin, but it is important to figure out the cause before treating the symptom.
Dry skin can be caused by a number of things, including weather, harsh soaps, and certain medical conditions. Treating dry skin often requires a multi-pronged approach, using a combination of moisturizers, exfoliants, and, in some cases, medications.
Dry skin can be also caused by certain skin disorders, such as eczema or psoriasis. If you ever encountered a case of eczema or psoriasis, then you have some idea about the difficulty in treating it. These diseases may be hard to beat, and can make the life of the patient miserable.
Both eczema and psoriasis are skin diseases. They differ in the appearance of the skin, and the mechanisms responsible for the disease. They also differ in terms of the severity of the disease.
The skin in eczema cases is usually reddish, itchy, dry, and scaly.
Sometimes it can also be cracked or weepy. In addition, the skin can also be inflamed and swollen. The skin of the psoriasis patient is usually reddish and scaly. The symptoms of the disease are not limited to the skin, but also affects the joints. The joints of patients with psoriasis are usually painful, and in severe cases, they can be deformed.
The cause of eczema is not yet fully understood. However, it is known that the disease is inherited, and that the immune system of the patient is abnormal.
It is also known that the disease is triggered by external factors, such as stress.
The cause of psoriasis is also not fully understood. However, it is known that the disease is inherited, and that the immune system of the patient is abnormal. It is also known that the disease is triggered by external factors, such as stress.
Eczema is not curable, but the symptoms can be controlled. The treatments are aimed at calming the immune system, and alleviating the symptoms. The treatments are also aimed at preventing the external triggers.
Psoriasis is also not curable, but the symptoms can be controlled.
The treatments are aimed at calming the immune system, and alleviating the symptoms. The treatments are also aimed at preventing the external triggers.
The similarity between eczema and psoriasis is not limited to the mechanism of the disease and its treatment. The two diseases also share similar symptoms and similar appearance. The difficulty in diagnosing these diseases is apparent.
The similarity between eczema and psoriasis is also not limited to these factors. Since the two diseases have the same symptoms and similar appearance, it is hard to distinguish between them. This leads to a problematic situation.

A patient with eczema may even be diagnosed with psoriasis, and vice versa.
This leads to a wrong treatment. The treatment of psoriasis is generally not suitable for eczema, and vice versa. This can exacerbate the disease.
One of the only products that has been proven effective for treating both conditions is Delfina Dry Skin Oil. Delfina Dry Skin Oil is a revolutionary moisturizer that not only softens and treats eczema and psoriatic skin, but also prevents these unbearable conditions from occurring in the first place. Delfina works by penetrating the outer layers of skin, stimulating hydration and nutrition. You can read more about how Delfina works here and read success stories here.
Why older people are more susceptible to developing xerosis
Older people are more susceptible to developing xerosis because aging expedites the dehydration of skin cells. This leads to chronic dryness of the skin. Aging also causes a decrease in the production of sebum, which can lead to an increase in skin dryness. In addition, aging leads to a thinning of the stratum corneum, which is the outermost layer of the skin. This makes older people more susceptible to developing xerosis because their skin does not have as much protection against dehydration as younger people.
The link between dehydration and xerosis
There is a link between dehydration and xerosis because dehydration can result in dry skin. Dry skin is more susceptible to developing xerosis. Dehydration may occur due to not drinking enough fluids, excessive sweating, or frequent urination. When the body does not have enough water, it starts to pull water from other sources, including the skin. This can lead to dryness and eventually xerosis.
How to prevent xerosis in older people
Xerosis is more common in older people, but there are several ways to prevent it. Using humidifiers in home is also beneficial, especially during the winter when indoor air is typically very dry. Drinking plenty of fluids and urinating frequently helps to prevent dehydration, which can lead to xerosis.
Moisturizing the skin is one of the most effective ways to prevent or treat xerosis. In addition, older people can also benefit from using humidifiers in their home, especially during the winter when indoor air is typically very dry. With proper care, older people can prevent or treat xerosis and enjoy healthy, hydrated skin.
How to Manage Xerosis
You may well take a trip to the doctor or pharmacist to discuss your dry skin and while there are an abundance of over-the-counter medications available, steroids can cause other problems so if you can, try and stick with something natural. Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil is a natural product that genuinely makes a difference and has been proven to ease and soothe chapped, dry, broken skin. It is obviously important that you do deal with the problem because if not, it can lead to a bacterial infection, especially if you scratch broken skin. So, don’t leave it! Dealing with it immediately will stop it getting worse but again, keeping up a regime that works for you helps to stop it recurring.
Of course, making changes as discussed above and adding in other products will help your Xerosis (dry, itchy skin), but what is the best product? Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil is a miracle cure. It’s already helped thousands of people across the USA, people just like you, who suffer from the same misery of dry and uncomfortable skin. And it’s so easy to use! Simply spray some of our magical oil directly onto the areas where you’re experiencing extreme dryness. You don’t need much. A couple of sprays of Delfina Skin will suffice and it brings instant relief but keep up with the solution to maintain soft, healthy skin.
Why Moisturizing is So Important
To keep your skin feeling and looking good, you do need to moisturize regularly. If the skin is too dry, it won’t be able to protect itself from the elements and will dry out even more. For the skin to stay healthy, it needs an outer layer water content of approximately 20%, skin gets problematic when the water content drops to below 10%. An effective moisturizer like Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil will keep the Stratum Corneum (outer layer) hydrated and stop your skin from drying out.
Going forwards, consider the following pointers to ease dry skin from recurring:
- Bathe in warm water, shower if you can, it’s better than bathing for dry skin
- Use a natural product that doesn’t contain sulphates, parabens, propylene glycol or anything with “fragrance” on the ingredients
- Continue using Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil to your routine, in bathing and moisturizing
- Use a humidifier if your central heating is on (or a bowl of water next to the radiator)
- Always wear sunscreen when in the sun and reapply regularly
- Wear cotton and linen (avoid manmade fibers)
- Drink plenty of water to rehydrate your skin
- Change your household cleaners to organic products (with less chemicals)
- Keep moisturizer close by (a small bottle of Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil is all you need) and apply it twice a day
- Always moisturize with Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil after you wash your hands
Finally, if you take steps to address your dry skin as suggested in this article, you should see a noticeable improvement within a week. For extremely severe conditions, you should definitely see some improvement but if your skin problem causes you pain, you should visit your doctor.