Does Psoriasis Spread?

Psoriasis is not a rash, but it can spread like one. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes dry, itchy, and red patches of skin to form around the body. Psoriasis often forms on areas like the legs, arms, and scalp. Psoriasis patches may get bigger and psoriasis may also develop on other parts of the body over time.

People with psoriasis often feel embarrassed when patches get very big, especially when they form on visible areas. Psoriasis can also be painful or uncomfortable due to itchiness, irritation, and at times even bleeding.

There is no cure for psoriasis, but you can take steps to minimize symptoms and stop psoriasis patches from getting bigger. Psoriasis can be a frustrating disease, but flare-ups can be managed with a combination of lifestyle changes, over-the-counter treatments, and – if necessary – prescription medicine or other medical treatments.

Why Does Psoriasis Spread?

While psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, how and why it spreads varies from individual to individual. There is also a lot dermatologists are still learning about how psoriasis. Many people with psoriasis experience specific triggers than can cause patches to get bigger or new patches to form. If you have psoriasis, pay attention to when flare-ups occur and see if you notice any common factors.

Psoriasis flare-ups can be triggered by your lifestyle. Binge drinking, smoking, or eating an unhealthy diet can all negatively impact your immune system and lead to flare-ups.

The climate can also make psoriasis get worse. Hot, dry air can cause excessive sweating, which contributes to psoriasis.

Those with psoriasis tend to have very sensitive skin so your psoriasis may get worse if you’re using a particular skincare product. Fragrances and products with a lot of chemical ingredients can make psoriasis spread.

Why Does Psoriasis Spread?

There also may be underlying health issues making psoriasis worse, which is why having regular check-ups is extra important if you have psoriasis. Things like infections or vitamin D deficiencies can affect your psoriasis.

Psoriasis can be painful and irritating, but they are very rarely dangerous. However, two types of psoriasis – erythrodermic psoriasis and pustular psoriasis – can be very dangerous if left untreated. If your psoriasis is spreading quickly and is accompanied by symptoms like fever, dehydration, or a racing pulse, see a doctor immediately.

How Do I Stop Psoriasis From Spreading?

While there is no cure for psoriasis, lifestyle changes and a good skincare routine can help slow the spread. There are many steps you can take to keep your psoriasis under control.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Some evidence shows that a nutrient-rich diet can slow the spread of psoriasis.

While this may sound complicated, it just means ensuring your diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins.

There is evidence omega-3 fatty acids can help with psoriasis, so a diet rich in eggs and fish can be helpful. Some psoriasis patients take fish oils and vitamin D supplements to support their immune system.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Avoid Smoking And Drink In Moderation

If you smoke, you should quit. Smoking causes myriad health problems, including lowering your immune system. This can exacerbate psoriasis and make them spread more throughout the body.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.  This means two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women. Alcohol can affect the immune system and irritate the skin, causing psoriasis to spread.

Protect Your Skin

Everyone should take steps to keep their skin healthy, but this is especially important if you have psoriasis. Wear sunscreen whenever you go out and avoid any psoriasis triggers like scented products, itchy fabrics, and harsh laundry detergent.

When moisturizing, stick to products that are not as harsh on your skin. We recommend Delfina Dry Skin Oil. 

Delfina has a proven track record of reducing psoriasis symptoms. It works by penetrating the skin’s outer layers and stimulating hydration from within.

Read more about how Delfina works here and read Delfina success stories here.

Seek Medical Help

If your psoriasis is severe, a dermatologist may be able to help you form a treatment plan. Psoriasis is often treated with over-the-counter topical steroids or sometimes oral medication. For severe cases, some dermatologists recommend light therapy in which you are exposed to artificial light for set periods of time.

While many people find success with the above treatments, they can have side effects that can sometimes make psoriasis worse. Cease any treatment if you notice side effects like itchiness, dry skin, bleeding, or pain.

Delfina Dry Skin Oil does not have a history of side effects. Many patients who have tried other treatments unsuccessfully find relief after using Delfina for only a short period of time.

The Bottom Line

Psoriasis can spread over time or develop in new areas. This can be painful and a cause of insecurity, but there are many steps you can take to reduce symptoms. While there is no cure for psoriasis, a combination of lifestyle changes and a quality skincare routine can help you keep psoriasis under control.