Eczema Vs. Psoriasis: How To Tell The Difference

While eczema and psoriasis share many similarities, they are two distinctly different conditions. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes skin cells to grow too fast and pile up on top of each other, creating scaly patches throughout the body. The causes of eczema are more complicated and not entirely known, but eczema is likely a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

As people with eczema and people with psoriasis require different types of treatments, it’s important to be able to tell the difference between the two conditions. Determining eczema versus psoriasis can be confusing as symptoms often overlap. There are some notable differences, however subtle, that can help you differentiate between the two conditions.

Remember, while self-diagnosis can help you gain a starting point, you should never solely rely on your own judgment for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek help from a board certified dermatologist for an official diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.

Where Does The Rash Appear?

Eczema and psoriasis can appear in similar places, but do tend to congregate in different areas. Taking note of where your skin rash or discoloration appears can help give you some idea as to whether you are suffering from psoriasis or eczema.  

Eczema frequently shows up in areas where your body bends, like behind your knees and in the inner part of your elbows. It may also show up on your neck, wrists, and ankles.

Eczema Vs. Psoriasis

Common types of psoriasis tend to appear on areas like the outer elbows and knees as well as your scalp, face, lower back, and palms.  

There can be overlap in where psoriasis and eczema appear, however, which is why it is important to look at multiple factors when trying to differentiate between the two.

What Does Your Rash Look Like?

Eczema and psoriasis can look very similar, but usually manifest in slightly different ways.

Eczema causes the skin to become red, slightly inflamed, and even dark and leathery in some cases. Eczema patches sometimes ooze and become crusty as well.

eczema vs. psoriasis

While psoriasis also causes red and inflamed skin, psoriasis patches are often raised. You may also notice silvery or white scales with psoriasis, which is not a symptom of eczema. 

These two skin conditions can look very similar. Again, this is why it is important to consider multiple symptoms.

Is Your Skin Itchy?

Both eczema and psoriasis can cause itchiness, but eczema symptoms tend to be worse in this regard. Psoriasis can cause a light itching sensation and mild irritation. In severe cases, psoriasis can cause painful burning, but this is rare.

With eczema, itching can become very intense even in relatively mild cases. Sufferers often scratch their skin to the point it bleeds when dealing with eczema flare ups. If you are dealing with an intense itch in addition to red and inflamed skin, you are more likely dealing with eczema than psoriasis.

Treatment Options

If you suspect you have either eczema or psoriasis, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist for an official diagnosis and treatment advice. There is no cure for eczema or psoriasis, but most people can manage symptoms and reduce inflammation with a combination of treatments. 

Prescription medications like corticosteroid cream and options like light therapy can often treat psoriasis, but many people can manage with over-the-counter creams and medications.

Finding a good psoriasis treatment can be challenging, especially because many typical treatment options can cause side effects that may worsen symptoms. It will take some trial and error to find a plan that works for you.

This is also true for eczema. The condition can also be managed with prescription corticosteroid creams and over-the-counter options. Skin barrier creams – which protect the skin from irritants – can be effective at treating eczema. Much like psoriasis treatment, use caution when trying new products and watch closely for side effects that may worsen symptoms.

One treatment option that has a solid track record of treating both eczema and psoriasis is Delfina Dry Skin Oil. 

Delfina works by penetrating the skin’s layers to stimulate hydration from within, which suppresses the manifestations of eczema and psoriatic skin.

Delfina has successfully helped those with both eczema and psoriasis manage symptoms and find relief. It also has no known side effects, as opposed to many other treatment options. Read more about how Delfina works here and see before and after pictures showing results here.    

Eczema Vs. Psoriasis: The Bottom Line

Telling the difference between eczema and psoriasis can be tricky as there is so much overlap between symptoms. However, by taking multiple factors into account, you can make an educated guess. See a dermatologist for more information and an official diagnosis.

While managing both conditions is difficult, there is hope. Delfina Dry Skin Oil has successfully treated even severe cases of both eczema and psoriasis. Patients often find Delfina works on their skin after cycling through many other treatment options.

If you are struggling with psoriasis, eczema, or related issues, we understand the importance of effective treatment. If you have any questions about Delfina Dry Skin Oil or anything else, do not hesitate to reach out.