Home Treatment Remedies For Cracked Heels

Everyone has experienced the excruciating pain of a cracked heel and the confusion that follows while trying to figure out how to best care for oneself in the moment.  Regularly suffering from cracked heels is a problem that is common among women of all ages. It is necessary to fix cracks since they are painful, continue to grow, give off an ugly vibe, and damage thin kapron tights. 

Because of the many mistakes that are made in the fight against this problem, the efforts that are put forth do not always provide the outcomes that are anticipated. Cracked heels were always assumed to be a problem that only mature women encountered. However, younger women might also have this problem. Nevertheless, people of all ages, even teens, are starting to be affected by this problem today. In this article, you'll find out what can cause this phenomenon and then several quick and effective ways to fix the problem. 

Not Adequate Care

Cracked heels are unpleasant and painful to the skin and may cause blisters if they are not treated. They start to become apparent as time passes. At first glance, it may seem that the skin of the foot is dry and calloused. Cracks have the potential to appear on the skin if it is not adequately cared for and the keratinized layer is not removed on a regular basis.  

Pedicures, on the other hand, have also been linked to cracked heels. After the therapy had been done for three to four days, tiny slits or wounds appeared vertically on the surface of the heel. If the skin is not softened on a regular basis, these sores may get more severe, and the skin may break, which will result in a great deal of discomfort while walking.

At the same time, the summertime is not the time for ladies to wear open shoes with broken heels. This includes sandals, clogs, and other open-toed shoes. Naturally, everyone wishes they could be eliminated from the situation. What should you do if you find that the skin of your heels has cracked? 

Determine The Root Of The Problem First

Because walking puts the majority of weight on the heels, the skin there naturally has a considerably denser structure than the skin on the body or face. This is because the skin on the heels bears the brunt of the load. When the equilibrium of the skin's cell renewal process is disrupted — that is, when the pace of production of new cells exceeds the rate of sloughing — this is when problems begin to arise with the skin on the feet. The medical term for this condition is hyperkeratosis. It eventually results in the formation of fissures. 

  • This may happen if the shoes are not chosen carefully enough. When shoes that are too tight irritate the skin, this causes the body to start producing new skin cells, which subsequently transform into a thick keratinized layer. This process continues as long as the shoes are too tight.
  • A shoe with an excessively high heel or a sole that is too flat may also contribute to an improper distribution of the weight on the foot and, as a result, an increase in the creation of new cells. If you often experience discomfort when wearing your shoes, it is best to get a new pair.
  • When the foot is positioned incorrectly, the force of the load that is being supported by the foot is not distributed equally, which may lead to the emergence of cracks in some circumstances. You need to see an orthopedist in order to rule out the possibility that this is the reason.
  • Skin illnesses make up a separate category of causes. Psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, mycosis, keratoderma, and other skin conditions might fall under this category. It is important to get in touch with a dermatologist as soon as possible, who will then recommend therapy.
  • Indirectly contributing to the development of fissures include conditions such as avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis, diabetes, gastritis, and thyroid illness. You should make consistent visits to a therapist and keep track of the progression of any chronic conditions in order to rule out the possibility of such issues. 

A Number Of Different Causes

This condition may be traced back to a number of different causes. They might be a sign of any illness, or they can just be a response to the environment outside the body. Because of their natural location, skin cells of the heels shed more quickly.

The pressure that is exerted by our body weight continually has an effect on the skin that covers the heels. As a consequence, the cells have been distorted, and they urgently need renewal. Because of this, your feet need routine care, which consists not only of exfoliating but also of hydrating the skin on them. 


  • Tight shoes.
  • Synthetic materials in shoes and underwear.
  • Circulatory problems.
  • Improper foot skin care. If you peel often, the skin simply does not have time to recover.
  • Dry air in the house.
  • Mistakes in the hygiene of the feet. Causes can be the wrong soap.
  • The composition of water. For example, regular trips to the pool, where the water is saturated with chlorine.
  • Vitamin deficiency. 

Other Factors

Cracked heels may be because of several diseases such as:

  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Diabetes mellitus. Pay attention to other symptoms - dry mouth, sudden change in weight, constant feeling of hunger, frequent urination.
  • Foot fungus. Symptoms such as itching, changes in the nail plate are possible.
  • Gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.
  • Plantar fasciitis. In its neglected state, this disease can lead to the appearance of heel spurs, which is a bone outgrowth, and is very painful.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. 

Which Factors Are Also Possible

Also affecting and causing cracked heels are the following:

  • Standing on your feet for long periods of time, especially in one position.
  • Being overweight.
  • Older age, when all processes are disrupted.
  • Severe stress.
  • Thin soles. Thin flat soles are especially badly affected. Even healthy people have discomfort in the foot after wearing such shoes.
  • High heels.

The very phenomenon of cracked heels may also lead to a disease when linked with dermatitis. 

Take Foot Baths

Foot baths are the best treatment for cracked heels since they soothe and soften the skin. It is recommended that you pour a big basin with hot water and soak your feet in it for ten to fifteen minutes. This will cause the skin to become somewhat swollen and white in color. 

If your heels are very dry, add a few drops of oil (such as olive oil or coconut oil) to the water before applying it to your feet. A lovely aroma may also be produced by using fresh herbs. You could also add a sprinkle of salt to the mixture if you suffer from dryness as well as particularly thick calluses. This eliminates bacteria, cleans the skin, and makes it possible for moisture to reach parts of the skin that have become thicker. 

Make Consistent Use Of A Pumice Stone

On the keratinized skin of the foot, cracks have begun to develop. Because of this, the removal of this layer of keratinized skin constitutes an essential component of the therapy. The second step is to make sure that the skin is properly hydrated and softened on a consistent basis.

Saws, pumice stones, and heel rubs are all helpful tools that may be used in the beginning stages to manage the cracks. The most important thing is to realize that this remedy is only effective for treating superficial cracks that do not bleed and do not cause a great deal of discomfort. Preventive foot health care is particularly important for a thick layer, thick skin, and outer skin.

Pumice stone should be used on a consistent basis, but cautiously and without excessive zeal. Patients often touch their heels down to the delicate skin in an effort to treat the issue in a single motion, leaving the skin unprotected in the process. This is incorrect due to the fact that the body will start producing new cells at an accelerated rate in an effort to defend itself. The end effect is that the skin gets much rougher relatively rapidly. So, on the heels, keratinized and tough skin may be removed with the use of pumice stone. 

We recommend Delfina Dry Skin Oil. Delfina penetrates the skin’s outer layers to stimulate hydration from within, treating the root causes of dry skin and related conditions like cracked heels.

Baths, Masks, And Compresses

Some of the home treatments, when coupled with the routine removal of keratinized skin, have the potential to completely eradicate the issue in its early phases, therefore improving the state of the skin and making it softer.

To do this, soaking in baths containing oils and using compresses made from those oils will be effective. As a result of how easy it is to sustain chemical burns while working with harsh chemicals like hydrogen peroxide or vinegar in the house, utilizing these substances for any activities is not recommended.

It is recommended that you use lotions, masks, and baths that are formulated using professional items if you plan on treating cracks in your own home. The skin will not suffer any injury as a result of this. Home care might begin with a foot soak that uses steam to moisturize the skin on your feet. After that, you may use a pumice stone to exfoliate your feet and follow it up with a foot cream. 

Apply Some Moisturizer To Your Dry, Cracked Heels

Moisture is the most important factor in determining how smooth and attractive your heels will be. After the exfoliation with the pumice stone as well as after the daily shower, the affected region of skin has to be lavished with an abundance of emollient-based care. Not just foot creams or body lotions with substances like shea and cocoa butter, aloe vera, urea, or jojoba oil are good for this.

Other types of lotions and creams may also be used. You may also try massaging your heels with natural oils such as olive, almond, or coconut oil if they are cracked. Then, quickly slip socks over it, and keep it on as a mask overnight. This will help to soften cracked heels.

But, if you want to get rid of cracked heels once and forever, you should definitely try Delfina Skin Oil. Countless individuals have reported seeing relief from the discomforts associated with chronic dry skin and cracked skin, such as flare-ups, dryness, and itching, after using this revolutionary natural treatment. This does wonders for fissures in the skin, and your feet will feel as soft as a newborn in just a few short days. 

A Well-Balanced Diet

It is possible that a person's diet contributes to the development of dry skin, which may eventually lead to cracked heels. For instance, skin fragility might be caused by an inadequate intake of zinc or omega-3 fatty acids. Zinc can be found in meats, oysters, cheese, seeds, and legumes like lentils, whereas omega-3 fatty acids may be found in nuts, avocados, vegetable oils, and salmon.

Trace levels of zinc can be found in animal products such as meats, oysters, cheese, and seeds. Even if you take great care of your heels, you may still get cracked skin if you do not include these nutrients in your diet on a regular basis. 

Foot Masks Intended For Use On Cracked Heels

Foot masks that include a spa-like pattern are yet another wonderful option for emulating a spa experience in your own house. Dead skin is a common issue for many people. Masks that may be applied like a cream or worn like socks packed with useful ingredients now meet the needs of all types of skin, from thick calluses to dry, cracked heels.

These masks can be worn like socks. It is an excellent strategy for getting ready for spring, but it is also an excellent technique for maintaining the health of your heels and feet during the colder months. Dry and cracked heels can be softened with this method. 

Coffee Scrub

The use of coffee grounds as a foot care home treatment might help maintain the skin on your feet in perfect shape. To make a cup of coffee, add one tablespoon of ground coffee for every 100 milliliters of water. The antiseptic and wound-healing characteristics of tar soap, together with the fact that it helps make fissures in the skin heal more rapidly, make it an excellent choice for a foot soak. 

After giving your feet a good bath, use a pumice stone or a foot file to thoroughly smooth any rough spots, and then take the grounds from a cup of coffee, apply it to the bottoms of your feet, and massage them in a steady, circular motion. This will help remove any calluses that have formed. After you have removed it with water, the next step is to apply an aloe vera mask. This is one of home remedies methods for dry and dead skin. 

Aloe Leaf Foot Mask

After rinsing off the coffee scrub, apply the following mask to the soles: one egg white and one teaspoon of crushed aloe leaves that have been kept in the refrigerator for a number of days in advance. After waiting for twenty minutes, wash your feet with ice water and then pat them dry. This mask works by stimulating the metabolic processes of the skin of the feet, which results in the heels becoming noticeably softer over time. 

Another recipe is crabgrass tincture. It is recommended to use two teaspoons of nettle leaves for every liter of water while making a nettle decoction. If you put your clean, cubed feet into this concoction, the skin on your heels will become elastic and smooth, and any cracks will be thoroughly cleaned.

After waiting for twenty minutes, wash your feet with cold water, moisten the soles with an infusion of calendula, and then massage them with warm olive oil to which a couple of drops of a solution of vitamin A in oil have been added. cracked feet can be treated this way. Just gently scrub your skin. 

Sea Buckthorn Oil Compress

Apply a compress with sea buckthorn oil on the heels before going to bed. Follow this by wrapping the feet in polyethylene and putting on warm socks. Every crevice ought to have been patched up by morning. Make a warm foot bath and wash your feet thoroughly with a soapy cream made from laundry soap and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of three (3) percent.

After that, make sure your feet are completely dry before rubbing them with the following mixture: one tablespoon of sea salt and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for every liter of water. Apply some pressure to the soles of the feet using a glove made of stiff material. It will feel nice and refreshing on your feet. After getting your feet massaged and bathed, it is important to remember to dust the bottoms of your feet with baby powder. 

Urea-Containing Foot Cream

Urea is one of the chemicals of a specific foot treatment that may help smooth and soften skin that is rough and dry on the feet. This is the most sophisticated method that has been developed to date, and it helps you to restore the smoothness and suppleness of your cracked and rough skin in a matter of days. 

The skin is exfoliated in a way that is not painful with such a cream, and it also disinfects and deodorizes the surface. After you've finished your evening shower, put it on. Wrap your feet with plastic and wear cotton socks, this will have a more profound impact. 

Cope With The Situation At Home Easily

After the first painful sensations are relieved, treatment should begin. It is better that the treatment should be comprehensive. It should include masks, baths, prophylaxis, and massage. At home you can quite easily cope with this situation.

Consider these recipes for baths mentioned below.

  1. Simple contrast baths without additives.The temperature should be comfortable. Ideally combined with a light foot massage. This measure should become almost a daily ritual.
  2. Bath with starch. Dilute 30 grams of potato starch in one liter of warm water. Place feet into the bath for 20 minutes. After that, treat your feet with pumice stone, apply ointment or greasy cream, fasten everything with clingfilm and wear socks.
  3. Complex with boric acid and petroleum jelly. Dilute 20 ml. of boric acid in a liter of warm water. Dip your feet into the bath for 15 minutes. Use a towel to pat your feet dry. Apply petroleum jelly liberally to cracks and apply plaster. Leave on for at least 20-24 hours. 

  1. Herbal Bath. Add 3 drops of ammonia to 3 liters of hot water. Pour in 15 grams of baking soda. And add a liter of decoction of any herb - elecampane, calendula, nettle, chamomile. Place feet into the bath for 20 minutes. After - put olive oil on dry feet. A bath like this is a good nighttime remedy. The herbs will have a calming effect.
  2. St. John's Wort and Apple Cider Vinegar. Homemade apple cider vinegar is best. Pour 500 milliliters of water and 15 grams of herbal mixture. Bring to a boil. Strain and allow to cool the broth. Then add 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar. After bathing, treat your feet with cream. 

Daily Foot Exercises Are Highly Recommended

In addition to the homemade remedies mentioned above, it is suggested that daily foot exercises be performed first thing in the morning. By doing so, you will enhance the circulation of the blood, which will provide the cells of the skin with enough nutrients.

You will do the workout while laying on your back. To the furthest extent feasible, pull your socks up. After that, separate themselves from you as much as possible. Carry out a number of repetitions.

  • Stand up. Make a fluid transition from bearing weight on the heels to bearing weight on the toes.
  • Put your weight on your toes as you move around the room. After on your heels. To the fullest extent feasible, stretch the foot. Utilizing a gadget that provides a foot massage might also be beneficial. 

What Folk Remedies Will Help If The Heel Is Cracked

The use of traditional medicines in the form of ointments and masks is necessary in order to accomplish the goals of nourishing the skin of the foot and making it more flexible. According to the suggestions of several sources, masks should be used not less often than once or twice each week. It is not dangerous to use ointments on a daily basis.

If you are feeling any form of pain or discomfort as a consequence of utilizing folk therapy, you should wash it off with water as soon as possible. 

Onion Compress

Prepare a foot bath with baking soda and soak for ten minutes before beginning the treatment. between 5 and 7 grams of baking soda should be added for every liter of water. Prepare a fine mince with an onion. The mush that was produced should be spread on gauze and applied to the foot. Wrap it up with some cling film and secure it with a bow and a sock on top. Just put it off until the morning. After washing your foot, use a pumice stone to exfoliate the skin, and then cover it with an oil-based lotion. This will have a positive impact on your cracked heels. 

Cabbage Leaf With Honey And Also Apple Compress

Crush a leaf of cabbage until you see black marks on it. Spread some honey over the fissures. Place a cabbage leaf on top of it. Adjust as you sleep. In the morning, rinse, then wash, and last, moisturize. This will help you remove dead skin and prevent cracked heels.

It's also important to remember about apple compress. Crush the equivalent of two apples of average size. Include two hundred milliliters of milk and seven to ten grams of baking soda in the mix. Put the ingredients in the saucepan and start the burner. If the mixture is not thick enough after boiling for ten minutes, you may try adding a little wheat flour to it. Boil the mixture until it forms a porridge. Allow it to cool down to the point where it is warm.

Apply a generous amount of it on your feet and rub it in. Apply a bandage on the surface of the wound. Maintain pressure with the compress until it has reached the desired temperature. 

Aloe - A Remedy For Cracked Heels

This plant, which has exceptional therapeutic capabilities, is well-known to a large number of people because it may alleviate pain and irritation, disinfect, function as an antiseptic, work as an antifungal, prevent fungal activity, and tighten cracks. 

Crushing aloe into a pulp is possible; for this reason, the required quantity of lower leaves should be extracted. In situations like these, when fissures are uncomfortable, it is applied in the form of compresses to the affected area. One of the first items that helps get rid of cracked heels fast and efficiently is aloe, and it is one of the first things you should try. In only one day, aloe may provide long-lasting relief. Maintain pressure on the cut for no more than ten minutes at a time. 

Tips And Tricks

  • To get great results - engage in comprehensive care. If it does not solve the problem, you should see a dermatologist.
  • Using a pumice stone or file on the feet should be limited to once every 7-14 days. On wet feet, use a pumice stone; on dry feet, use a file or another instrument.
  • Make sure your skin is well-nourished after you've washed it. For the skin exfoliating process, natural scrubs are far more gentle.
  • Make your own using ground coffee and sea salt instead of buying from the store. Massage your feet with a mixture of liquid soap and salt or coffee.
  • You should avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes in order to avoid the condition and get treatment for it. Adjust the room's humidity level.
  • In the summer, try to avoid wearing shoes that expose your toes.
  • To skip all the tedious preventive measures discussed in this article, use Delfina Skin Oil as both a preventive and treatment measure for cracked heels. 
We recommend Delfina Skin Oil as your solution for treatment and prevention of cracked skin.


The Bottom Line

  • Foot exercises should be done on a regular basis, and it is recommended that they be done first thing in the morning. If you do this, you will improve the circulation of the blood, which in turn will provide sufficient nutrients to the cells that make up the skin. You are going to complete the exercise routine while lying on your back. You need to pull your socks up to the farthest degree that is possible. After that, they will put as much distance as possible between themselves and you. Perform many identical actions in a row.
  • When shopping for shoes, pay close attention to how well they "fit" on your feet in terms of comfort. And this is not about the comfort of the person; rather, it is about the avoidance of cracks, which are quite often produced on the heels as a result of unpleasant shoes that are too tight fitting. Also, pay attention to the clothing that you wear on your lower extremities; it is essential that these garments in no way impede the natural circulation of blood throughout the body.
  • Each individual who wants to maintain their health and be physically active should consume a diet that is both comprehensive and diverse. On the other hand, you should stay away from meals that are excessively fatty, fried, spicy, or very salty, and so on. The condition of the lower extremities is not an exception to the rule that the diet has a significant impact on, as it affects the condition of the complete body.
  • You should make an effort to lighten the burden on your heels as much as you can, but you should not rule out making your lifestyle more mobile altogether. If you do not walk around often, the skin on your feet will become less elastic, and they will not be able to absorb the load as well if they are affected by it. One additional thing to keep in mind about loads is that excess weight is the biggest enemy of the whole body, and heels in particular, since it increases the pressure that is placed on them in direct proportion to the rise in their own weight.
In order to get rid of cracks as fast as possible on your own, you better use Delfina Skin Oil which is a highly suggested method of treatment and prevention.