Top Rated Essential Oils For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that may affect people of any age or gender. It can even affect children. In most cases, it is the result of a problem with one or more of the organs or systems in the body that are responsible for the creation of subcutaneous sebum or sebum. 

You could, of course, go to the drugstore and spend a lot of money on shampoos, sprays, and ointments. But the use of a psoriasis-specific oil is a treatment option that is not only very efficient but also much cheaper. 

Different Causes Of Psoriasis Disorders

Psoriasis occurs for a variety of reasons:

  • An unbalanced diet
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Retroviruses transmitted by inheritance
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Private stresses
  • Improper functioning of the endocrine system 
  • A weakened immune system

On the other hand, genetic predisposition is by far the most prevalent cause of these disorders. Although it is genetic, the condition may come back if the immune system is compromised by things like smoking or drinking too much, experiencing a severe shock to the neurological system, or having an excessive amount of B vitamins. 

A Common And Effective Treatment

Due to the anti-inflammatory, immune-regulating, antioxidant, and antibacterial qualities of essential oils, their usage as a treatment for psoriasis is frequent and beneficial. Essential oils are also used to treat other skin conditions.

Psoriasis is a kind of autoimmune illness that is characterized by an abnormality in the body's immune system as well as an abnormally rapid turnover of skin cells. This causes the fast appearance of new cells, which ultimately leads to irritated red areas on the skin, particularly around joints like the elbows and knees.

The most prevalent form of psoriasis is known as plaque psoriasis. This form of the skin condition manifests itself as red areas that are covered with a plaque that may be white or silver. The origin of this autoimmune illness has been a mystery for a very long time; nonetheless, a dysfunctional immune system or a hereditary susceptibility to this ailment are the two hypotheses that are considered the most plausible. 

Not Infectious Skin Disorder

This skin disorder, which affects roughly 3.5 percent of the world's population, cannot in any way be passed on to other people since it is not infectious.

Psoriasis can come and go in waves; for example, it can become worse for a few weeks or months, and then the symptoms will go away, and the condition will go into remission. This skin problem may be treated with a variety of topical ointments and creams available on the market today. Psoriasis is a disease that lasts a lifetime; however, therapy is often only administered during active episodes of the condition. Psoriasis may be treated rather well with the use of essential oils for the condition.

Delfina Skin Oil appears to be the one and only product that can help cure psoriasis in a way that is permanent and effective, as stated in a number of success stories. 

We recommend Delfina Dry Skin Oil. Delfina penetrates the skin’s outer layers to stimulate hydration from within, and many psoriasis patients have experienced a profound reduction in symptoms after using Delfina.

The use of this oil will lead to the development of skin that is both healthy and attractive. It is a one-of-a-kind moisturizer that makes the skin more supple, helps prevent skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, and stops the skin from becoming chapped and cracked. It may be applied to any part of your face or body, and because of its very high degree of efficacy, its effects will last even after you wash your face or shower. 

Beneficial Effects Of Numerous Oils

Psoriasis shows itself as plaques, which are areas of the skin that are flaky and have a texture that is reminiscent of wax. Psoriasis causes the skin to shed its top layer around once every four to five days, although the usual cycle for skin regeneration lasts a little over a month. 

Numerous oils rich in vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements and minerals have beneficial effects on the skin. They:

  • Relieve inflammation (redness and itching)
  • Try to fight fungus and bacteria
  • Soothe the skin and the human nervous system (due to its fragrance)
  • Nourish the skin with vitamins and improve the condition of the hair
  • Contribute to the regeneration of the epithelium and restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Stronger antipsoriatic medications are necessary if the illness has major signs such as an excess of psoriatic plaques, redness of the skin, severe peeling, and itching. 

Pros and Cons

Advantages of using oils:

  • little habituation of the scalp and hair to any oils
  • universal effect (not only the dermis is treated, but also your curls, nourished by the beneficial substances contained in the product, acquire a beautiful shine and vitality)
  • easy enough to apply
  • are much cheaper than different shampoos, creams and ointments, rubbed into the scalp

Because oils are not absorbent, they are not effective at removing the subcutaneous sebum that is produced by the sebaceous glands. This is one of the downsides. It is not suggested that you use them in their pure form if you have a scalp that is excessively oily since the products have a greasy consistency that is extremely difficult to wash away when used in their natural state. As a direct result of this, a person's hair will seem to be shining and disheveled.

However, Delfina Skin Oil has almost an instantaneous absorption, so the traditional downsides for oils do not apply to this revolutionary product.

Oils, aloe juice, avocado, and lemon juice are some of the additional moisturizing ingredients that may be used with other moisturizing ingredients to treat dry hair. Masks that are based on different infusions or that include the addition of sea salt, which functions as an absorbent, are ideal for use on oily scalps. If you have split hair, a gelatin mask has efficiently shown itself to be helpful. 


Because the oils are made up of natural components, the risk of experiencing an allergic response is almost nonexistent. But it's better not to get yourself into thinking that you are the only person in the world who lacks any kind of individual intolerance. It is in your best interest to check. Put a few drops of oil on the skin of your wrist or the inside of your elbow, and then observe the response that it causes. After 15 minutes, if the swelling, hives, and redness have not shown themselves, it is okay for you to utilize the healing potion.

Because oils are so little absorbed by the skin, their usage is not restricted to pregnant women or mothers who are breastfeeding their children. On the other hand, this idea does not hold true for all kinds of esters. For example, for pregnant women, it is unsafe to use some essential oils, such as those made from juniper or rosemary. 

Essential Oils for Psoriasis

There are a number of essential oils that, when applied to the skin, may help improve the condition of the skin and relax the body after a long day of work. Aromatherapy is one common use of this kind of method. Psoriasis may be treated with aromatherapy or by incorporating essential oils into specialized homemade masks, which should then be applied directly to the dermis of the affected areas of the scalp. One of the beneficial essential oils for psoriasis is tea tree oil.

This product has:

  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • restorative
  • soothing effect

Itching is a common symptom of psoriasis, and it may be very intense. The use of this oil might alleviate irritations that occur on the scalp. 

Psoriasis Treatment Using Tea Tree Oil

The leaves of an Australian shrub are used to extract the oil that is known as tea tree oil. It is believed that the oil has characteristics that are antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Additionally, it may help maintain a healthy immunological function.

If you have scratched an area that is afflicted by psoriasis, you may want to try applying tea tree oil to the area. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which may help prevent infections. However, be cautious when using too much of this potent oil since doing so might cause your skin to become even more dry and irritated. 

There is no research in the scientific literature that either supports or refutes the use of tea tree oil as a treatment for psoriasis. There is a possibility that the individual may have an allergic response or further skin irritation. Before applying the oil to a wider area of your skin, you should do a patch test on a tiny part of your skin to see whether you are allergic to the oil.

Products available for purchase that include tea tree oil may provide relief for certain individuals. This component may be found in a wide variety of personal care products, including shampoos, soaps, and lotions. Psoriasis and tea tree oil are two topics that need greater attention.

When using it, use caution since it might have a significant impact on the top layers of the epidermis. If you expose yourself to a substance for an excessively long period or for a greater quantity of time than is recommended, rather than experiencing relief, you will experience aggravation. It can be concluded that in case of skin disorders, tea tree essential oils are beneficial. Rosemary essential oil can also be considered as a mitigating agent for psoriasis. 

Lavender Essential Oil

One of the essential oils that have been researched the most is lavender oil. It is often used to treat a wide range of diseases, such as cuts and scrapes, headaches, and discomfort in the muscles. It has been shown that lavender oil has antibacterial and antifungal characteristics that are effective against a variety of germs, even when conventional treatments have been unsuccessful.

Applying a little amount of diluted lavender oil to your temples might help relieve tension. Because it encourages faster regeneration of the skin, the oil is recommended by dermatologists as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of psoriasis. It is possible to relax the nervous system by inhaling the fumes that are produced by the product. 

Your mind may become more at ease, and some emotional triggers of psoriasis may be alleviated as a result. If you combine lavender oil with lotion and then apply it to your skin, you may find that this helps alleviate irritation caused by your skin.

It is not recommended that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, as well as persons who have diabetes, use lavender oil. When used in excess, this oil may cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

You might try putting a few drops of lavender oil on your skin after first diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut oil, just as you would with other essential oils. When taking a bath, some individuals like to add a few drops of lavender oil that have been diluted in an oil carrier. 

Geranium Oil For Psoriasis

  • Geranium oil has been shown to be effective in easing tension, as well as improving circulation and reducing inflammation. Additionally, it promotes the development and regeneration of healthy cell tissue.
  • Dilute this oil well. When you apply this diluted oil to your skin, you run the risk of experiencing some small adverse effects. Before applying any essential oil to your skin, you should always do a patch test first. It is more probable that geranium oil may induce allergic responses or other skin issues. 

  • It is well known that geranium oil may either slow down or halt the flow of blood. If you suffer from hypertension or are at risk for developing cardiovascular disease, you should exercise extreme caution.
  • If you have skin issues such as acne or dermatitis, you may try combining up to five drops of geranium oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. This mixture can be applied to the affected area. Use this concoction to treat the afflicted regions twice daily until you see an improvement in the condition. 

The primary functions of this product are to reduce scalp irritation and provide soothing comfort to the scalp. In addition to this, the oil has to be able to maintain the regeneration of the epidermis, which will stop the creation of psoriatic plaques.

Under no circumstances should you apply a concentrated substance to the dermis, since doing so may result in a wide variety of adverse consequences (be sure to dilute it in other oils or combine it with various fruit, honey or kefir masks). 

Myrrh Essential Oil

Not only can this substance alleviate inflammation, but it also does an excellent job of coping with mycosis. Because of this, it is suggested for the treatment of psoriasis. It is beneficial to the epidermis in that it encourages its renewal.

The stuff is pretty pricey. You will be required to pay an approximate price of 24$ for a product that is just somewhat concentrated, while the price of a product that is entirely natural will be around $50. 

Sandalwood Oil

Essential oil derived from sandalwood is often regarded an effective treatment for psoriasis. Because it is effective at hydrating the skin, it may be used on dry scalps without causing irritation. Inflammation is reduced, tone is restored, and the overall quality of the hair is improved. The cost of sandalwood essence might may be purchased for $15 to $20.

Psoriasis Treatment With Peppermint Oil

Psoriasis patches and the areas surrounding them may be itchy and painful, but peppermint oil can help relieve such symptoms. There are over 25 species of peppermint, each of which has over 600 distinct variants. It makes no difference which plant you use; the impact of peppermint comes from the menthol that is included in the oil.  So, due to the high concentration of menthol in this treatment, it is particularly effective in calming the itching associated with psoriatic plaques. 

It is not necessary to dilute it with other treatments since just a modest amount of the plant extract will not result in any adverse effects. Additionally, the itching that might be caused by herpes blisters or scabies infestations can be relieved with this oil.

Peppermint often does not have any adverse effects when consumed at amounts that are considered to be modest. Even though the risk of an adverse response is minimal, you should nevertheless be cautious if you encounter any signs or symptoms that are not typical after usage.

In an aerosol can, add one cup of distilled water and five to seven drops of peppermint essential oil, and shake well. This is a common recipe for home remedies. You may calm irritated skin by injecting this concoction directly into the affected area. 

Black Cumin Oil For Psoriasis

The oil might also be referred to as black cumin seed oil. Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and anthelmintic characteristics, this oil is useful for treating a wide range of skin conditions, including those brought on by psoriasis as well as those that are brought on by parasites.

It is able to alleviate any irritation while also accelerating the skin's natural process of restoring itself. Black cumin oil is a fantastic moisturizer, and some research suggests that it may even be able to lessen the thickness of limescale.


People who suffer from clotting issues, diabetes, or already have low blood pressure should talk to their doctor before consuming black seeds since they may decrease the coagulation of blood and drop blood pressure. Women who are pregnant should also refrain from consuming black cumin oil.

There is some evidence that black cumin oil might have a soothing effect. You may use black cumin oil on your skin straight from the bottle, or you can blend it with another essential oil before using it. The irritation should subside, and the skin should feel more hydrated after using this procedure. 

Top Rated Essential Oils For Psoriasis: Base Oils

Linseed oil is beneficial for soothing inflammation and restoring the skin's natural moisture balance. It is useful in reducing the redness that often accompanies skin lesions. In addition, a single application of flaxseed oil imparts the ideal amount of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to the hair and dermis of the skin.

Castor Oil is not an essential oil, but it has applications similar to those of essential oils and may be used instead. Prior to application, you have the option of adding essential oils to the castor base. This may assist in diluting the essential oil and reducing the risk of any adverse effects.

The skin may also have its texture improved by using this natural emollient. Unconfirmed reports claim that using castor oil that has been cold-pressed on a regular basis may assist to speed up the healing process and moisturize areas of dry, flaky skin.

It is also thought that rubbing castor oil into the skin directly might assist in the process of eliminating toxins. It does this by increasing the number of disease-fighting lymphocytes in the body, which in turn improves immunological function. 

An Oil Loaded With Several Vitamins And Antioxidants

Castor Oil works really well to prevent the need for peeling. It is loaded with several vitamins and antioxidants, making it an ideal anti-inflammatory agent. This oil for psoriasis is able to stop the development of psoriatic plaques due to its unique viscous nature, which makes it an effective treatment for the condition. 

In any case, you should always be cautious.

Although using essential oils for psoriasis can help alleviate inflammation and regulate immune system responses, essential oils are highly concentrated substances that can cause adverse effects. Some people are allergic to certain plant/herb oils, in people with sensitive skin the use of such oils can provoke negative, inflammatory reactions.

Each oil is different and can have different effects, so it is important to do your due diligence on potential adverse reactions. You should also talk to your doctor before using essential oils to carry out your psoriasis treatment. 

Coconut Oil

There is no consensus on whether or not coconut oil qualifies as an essential oil. However, it does contain anti-inflammatory qualities, which may help to relieve the discomfort associated with psoriasis. It is regarded to be a non-offensive component. As a result of this, it is often suggested as a treatment for psoriasis of the scalp. The skin and shells both benefit from the oil's hydrating properties. 

Coconut oil by itself often may result in any adverse side effects when utilized. That said, the oil is generally safe to consume and is often used as a component of various dishes during the cooking process. It is possible to utilize it either internally or externally, and there may be numerous interactions. Carrier oils are often used with coconut oil because of their versatility. In the event that certain essential oils have been added to the coconut oil, you should not use it. 

The Use Of Coconut Oil In Several Ways

There are several methods for coconut oil that you may utilize. It is recommended that you limit your daily intake of virgin coconut oil to no more than two teaspoons. Because it contains lauric acid, this oil may block the entry of pathogens like germs and viruses into your body. You might also try applying a generous amount of virgin coconut oil to the regions that are affected. If you apply it to your skin right after you get out of the shower, it could be more beneficial.

Because it hydrates the skin in just the right amount, it is an excellent choice for dry skin. As a result of the good impact it has on the sebaceous glands, it eliminates flakes from the skin. Additionally, coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin, resulting in the formation of a protective film that serves as a barrier against the damaging effects that are caused by the surrounding environment.

It is advised that those who have acquired psoriasis as a result of an increase in the number of peels use the product in question on a consistent basis. 

Amaranth Oil

Amaranth has a place of honor among all the oils that can get rid of psoriasis. The amaranth oil contains:

  • Squalene, which has a fungicidal effect
  • Vitamin E, which supports the body's defenses
  • Retinol, which participates in the regeneration of the skin
  • Vitamin D, which ensures the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus
  • Phospholipids, which help maintain the correct balance of the skin
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve metabolism at the cellular level and eliminate inflammation and itching.

This oil has anti inflammatory properties, and it can be taken internally as well as applied to the skin. 

Considerations On Potential Dangers

Before incorporating a certain oil into your treatment strategy, you should thoroughly investigate the oil in question. Each oil comes with its own set of warnings and potential interactions.

Even though essential oils come from entirely natural sources, they may be some of the most powerful chemicals. Because of this, they must be considered pharmaceuticals and used in a cautious manner.

In most cases, essential oils should be avoided around babies, children, as well as women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is a possibility that particular oils may react negatively with certain drugs or health conditions. If you wish to utilize oils in conjunction with the therapy you are receiving for your psoriasis, you should discuss your plans with your primary care physician first. 

What Steps You Can Take Right Now

There are a few things that you can do right now if you want to treat your psoriasis symptoms using essential oils, and those things are as follows:

  • Talk to your primary care provider to find out whether essential oils are safe for you to use.
  • Investigate the potential dangers and combining factors of each oil.
  • Read product labels carefully and proceed slowly to avoid side effects.
  • Before applying the oil to a wider region of your skin, test it out on a smaller patch first.
  • Because there hasn't been enough research done on essential oils specifically, it's a good idea to discuss the possibility of using oils to treat psoriasis with your primary care physician. 
We recommend Delfina Skin Oil as your solution for treatment and prevention of psoriasis.


Final Thoughts

Psoriasis may cause painful and itchy areas, and you are not the only one who has these symptoms. This skin problem, which is rather common, might worsen at any moment and cause you to feel uncomfortable when you first wake up. Relief may be obtained in a variety of ways, including the use of medicines, light therapy, and essential oils.

  • In most cases, a diffuser is used to provide essential oil inhalations. Before being used on the skin, essential oils need to be mixed with carrier oil to reduce their potency. Consumption of essential oils is not recommended.
  • Aromatherapy and other alternative treatments use essential oils as a treatment for a broad variety of health issues, including skin diseases like psoriasis. Essential oils have only been the subject of a limited number of research efforts as a potential therapy for psoriasis. The majority of the material that is now accessible is of an anecdotal character.
  • It is not suggested to use essential oils as the main therapy or as one of the first treatments tried for psoriasis. You should only make use of them in conjunction with the conventional treatment that you are already receiving. Before using essential oils in your treatment plan, you need to first discuss this with your primary care provider. They may assist you in determining whether or not you might benefit from using essential oils. 

As essential oils are not the most effective way of treatment for psoriasis for everyone, numerous individuals are thinking about making use of a solution that will ensure their skin will be soft, recovered, and smooth. Many individuals have found that Delfina Dry Skin Oil as a miraculous remedy for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and cracked skin. It treats and eliminates these conditions by infusing the skin with essential nutrients and antioxidants, which improve the integrity of the skin's layers and provide long-term protection. Additionally, this makes the skin more hydrated.

Many users of Delfina Dry Skin Oil state that this revolutionary produdct is a cutting-edge moisturizer that not only eliminates psoriatic skin and makes it more pliable, but also prevents psoriatic skin from appearing in the first place.

If you use or include this oil in your basic skincare regimen, you will most likely be able to avoid this irritating and intolerable skin condition. This is because it is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial ingredients. You may put it to use anywhere, at any time, with no additional effort required if you just carry it with you.

Delfina works by permeating the outer layers of skin, which then stimulates the skin's natural ability to hydrate and nourish itself. You may learn more about how Delfina works by clicking here, as well as read success stories by clicking here.