Plaque Psoriasis: How You Can Treat Cracks And Bleeding

Plaque psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that is typically characterized by plaques, a kind of erythematous scaly patch over the skin. The person with psoriasis can experience severe discomfort because of lesions, as sometimes they can be itchy and can even bleed on scratching.

What is plaque psoriasis and what are its symptoms?

If you have ever had an itchy, scaly patch of skin, you may have had plaque psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that is typically characterized by plaques, a kind of erythematous scaly patch over the skin. People with psoriasis can experience severe discomfort because of lesions, as sometimes they can be itchy and can even to bleeding.

There is no known cure for plaque psoriasis, but there are treatments that can help to lessen the symptoms. One popular treatment is phototherapy, which involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light. There are also topical treatments that can be applied directly to the skin, such as corticosteroids, retinoids, and calcipotriene. For people with severe psoriasis, there are also systemic treatments that can be taken by mouth or injected, such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and biologics. 

Some people with plaque psoriasis may only need topical treatments, while others may need a combination of Topical treatments and phototherapy. Phototherapy is a light-based skin treatment that can be used in combination with topical treatment. It can be used to treat mild to severe psoriasis. Phototherapy includes UVB light therapy, PUVA, and Goeckerman treatment.

Topical medications are usually the first line of therapy for plaque psoriasis. These include creams, oils and ointments that are applied directly to the skin. They are often the first treatment recommended for mild to moderate psoriasis. Common types of topical treatments include anthralin, corticosteroids and retinoids. There are newer types of topical treatments that include calcineurin inhibitors and tazarotene.

People with severe psoriasis may need to take systemic treatments. Systemic treatments are drugs that are taken by mouth or injected into a vein. They affect the entire body and are used for severe psoriasis or psoriasis that has not responded to other treatments. Common types of systemic treatments include biologics, cyclosporine, methotrexate and oral retinoids.

The itchy and scaly truth about plaque psoriasis

The first symptom of plaque psoriasis is often an itch. The itch can be so severe that it interferes with sleep. Scratching can make the itching worse and can also lead to bleeding and infection can be very serious.

If you have plaque psoriasis, you may also experience other symptoms, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Depression

Plaque psoriasis most often appears as raised areas of inflamed skin covered with silvery-white scale. These patches or plaques usually appears on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, face, palms and soles of the feet. But they can occur anywhere on your body.

The plaques might be itchy but usually aren't painful. Occasionally, plaque psoriasis can develop into more severe disease, such as Pustular or erythrodermic psoriasis. However, erythrodermic psoriasis is a very rare form of psoriasis that can affect large areas of the body. It can sometimes appear suddenly. Yet, it can cause pain, swelling, and a very high temperature. It can also be life-threatening.

When plaque psoriasis appears on the scalp, it may look like severe dandruff with dry flakes and red patches. Plaque psoriasis can also occur inside the ear, causing a buildup of scale that can resemble eczema.

Due to its chronic and relapsing nature, plaque psoriasis may require lifelong treatment. The goal of treatment is to reduce the inflammation and itching, and also to prevent the recurrence of symptoms.

Causes of bleeding in plaque psoriasis

The cause behind this manifestation could be dryness, as dermatologists consider dryness as the leading cause of psoriatic lesions to skin cracking and bleeding. In addition, it is thought that massive build-up of keratinocytes due to hyperactive immune cells may lead to scale formation. The shedding of these scales may eventually result in bleeding - Auspitz sign. 

Itching is one of the most common findings in psoriasis alongside the redness and white silvery scales. According to data, approximately 70% of the cases of psoriasis experience it at any stage of their disease. Not only on itching, but the plaques in psoriasis can bleed easily even on minor trauma and may cause massive discomfort. Moreover, if not taken care of, these minor cuts can turn into enlarged fissures while disrupting the quality of life. 

Even the researchers support the idea that people with plaque psoriasis can experience bleeding from the lesion site on itching or due to friction because of clothes or on bending or sitting. So it is better to cater to them with care rather than waiting for their adverse outcomes.

You can include Delfina Dry Skin Oil in your routine to keep your skin nourished and hydrated, free from dryness.


Ways To Confine The Prognosis

There are some ways by the help of which we can limit the prognosis and can get rid of the dry, scaly bleeding patches. We will also discuss various strategies for preventing and treating psoriasis, including the avoidance of triggering factors and the indentation of certain daily routines. 

Delfina Dry Skin Oil is the natural solution that has been proven effective for countless people who have struggled with psoriatic skin. Unlike most other treatment options, such as drugs that may cause side effects, Delfina is natural and has not been known to cause any side effects. 

Seek Medical Attention

If you suspect psoriasis based on your symptoms, it is better to see dermatologists without further delay to halt the spread of the disease. In addition, your doctor can recommend the treatment of different potencies depending upon the severity of the disease. For example, people with chronic dry, scaly plaque can be suggested to use steroids to combat the disease than people with small, less irritative lesions. 

The treatment of psoriasis revolves around topical agents and systemic drugs. These topical applications are available in different forms ranging from solution to ointments to thick creams. 

They essentially inhibit the activity of immune cells, and some even act as a ketolytic agent by disrupting the keratinocyte to keratinocyte bond. Meanwhile, we can't deny the benefit of systemic agents. They help prevent the excessive turnover of keratinocytes and bacterial growth. 

In some cases, dermatologists also recommend phototherapy to inhibit the immune activity of specialized cells. Hence, whatever the mode it is, the end goal of each of the treatments mentioned above is to eradicate the disease or improve the quality of life.

Avoid Triggering factors

The development of plaque psoriasis is complicated, but it is considered that people with a specific mutation in their genes can develop psoriasis on exposure to the triggering factors. However, several agents can trigger the onset of psoriasis in already genetically predisposed individuals. Therefore, it is essential to avoid them as much as possible to prevent the exacerbation of the disease. 

Some of the common agents that have a link with the onset of psoriasis are the following:

  • Throat infection due to Streptococci
  • Injury to the skin, such as any previous surgical mark - koebner phenomenon
  • Stress
  • Smoking and heavy consumption of alcohol
  • Certain medications, which may include lithium and antimalarial drugs
  • Sudden withdrawal of oral or systemic steroids
  • Dry and cold weather conditions

First Aid Management Of Cracks

Sometimes, there arises a situation when a person is far away from medical care and needs constant supervision of the lesions. If you are one with a chronic psoriatic lesion that has been dried up and can easily bleed on scratching, you need to pay special attention to it. 

The cracks and fissures found in plaques serve as hosts to various bacteria and microorganisms. The habitants of cracks and fissures can cause superimposed infections, making the situation worse than ever. Hence, it is necessary to treat them to prevent the manifestation of any long-term complications. 

Wash Your Hands

Before manipulating a lesion, it is essential to maintain a sterile environment. To achieve that end, wash your hands adequately to avoid the contamination of the lesion. Make sure to wash your hand with warm water and antiseptic soap or liquid to lessen the risk of contamination.

Stop Bleeding

Take a sterile gauze or a clean piece of cloth and put it on the site of bleeding or crack. Gently apply the pressure to stop the bleeding until the bleeding stops. But be careful as it can damage the nearby tissues. 

Clean The Wound

Now, it is the turn to clean the wound, so rinse the area with normal saline or clean water to remove any dirt or debris present there. Although it can feel a bit irritating, it helps prevent the infection while eliminating the source, i.e., dirt or debris.

Apply An Ointment For Protection

Stopping the bleed or cleaning the wound is not the end. The last and essential step is concealing the cuts with the help of ointments. However, it is suggestive to look for such ones that may support medically and keep the skin deeply moisturized.

Look For The Signs Of Infection

Look for any signs of infection such as pus or any discharge from the cut or delayed healing. Tenderness or worsened inflammation may also indicate the infection, or you can also lookout for the symptoms such as fever or body ache. If you find any of such symptoms, make sure to consult with your doctor immediately. 

Ways To Prevent The Cracks And Fissure Formation

By following the treatment protocol and modifying the lifestyle, one can prevent the development of cracks and fissures up to some extent. 

Keep Skin Moisturized

The dry psoriatic lesion is more liable to cracks and bleeding and the key step to escape the dryness is moisturization, the deep one. Therefore, it is suggestive of applying moisturizer regularly several times a day, especially after a bath. 

You can include Delfina Dry Skin Oil in your routine to keep your skin nourished and hydrated, free from dryness. Its botanical ingredients do not only promote hydration but also reduce inflammation and accelerate healing. For example, the Avocado extract in Delfina Dry Skin Oil is proven to help fight off psoriasis via its rapid wound healing and anti-inflammatory property.

This doctor-developed formula combines the insights of science with the offerings of nature to manage psoriasis gently and effectively.

Don't Let The Scales Pile-Up

Scaling is one of the main characteristic features of psoriasis, and as we know, its shedding leads to bleeding. So it is essential not to let them pile up and treat them by the continual use of ointments and salicylic-based topical creams. Lastly, do not remove scales manually as they can bleed profusely.

Be Gentle On Your Skin

If you have psoriatic skin, using harsh products, either chemical or physical, can damage your skin. Therefore, it is better to be gentle on your skin and avoid these abrasive agents in such conditions.

The Bottom Line

Plaque psoriasis is one of the autoimmune diseases in which the body's immune cells act against the skin cells and increase cell turnover. Meanwhile, the skin appears scaly and red with overdue dryness and itching. Moreover, in a worst-case scenario, the skin can bleed, leading to the formation of cracks and fissures. 

Although not that common, these cracks and fissures can be discomforting and may affect the quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to pay them special attention and get proper treatment.

Follow the treatment protocols and keep your skin well-nourished to prevent scale build-up. Your solution is to apply Delfina Dry Skin Oil, where its natural components not only help fight off the plaque psoriasis, but also serve as a preventive measure for revivals and exacerbations of psoriatic skin.