What to know about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis rashes

Treating and diagnosing skin conditions like psoriasis can prove challenging, especially for people unaware of the symptoms. The complete guide for skin disease and treatment procedures, both natural and medications, is discussed below to manage the condition appropriately.

Psoriasis: A chronic skin condition

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that is not entirely curable to date. It is recurring because the condition can subside or go into remission before it flares up, lasting for a few weeks or months. However, there are treatments available to help you minimize your symptoms. 

These manifestations occur because the immune system becomes overactive and accelerates the growth of skin cells. One month is enough time for normal skin cells to grow and fall off. However, in psoriasis, skin cell growth is expedited, and they multiply in just three or four days. 

People infected with psoriasis have their skin cells gather near the skin’s surface instead of falling off. As a result, psoriasis plaques are said to itch, burn, and sting some people. Although they commonly appear on the elbows, knees, and scalp, plaques and scales may appear on any body part.

Everything to know about Psoriasis arthritis rashes

Psoriatic arthritis, a kind of inflammatory arthritis, can occur in patients with psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin illness that involves rapid skin cell growth and regeneration. Psoriatic arthritis can be told apart from other types of arthritis in that it affects the skin and the joints in various ways. 

Red patches of skin with silvery scales on the scalp, knees, elbows, and around the ears are the first appearances of Psoriatic arthritis rash.

The following are some of the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis:

  • Warmth and redness of the skin
  • Swelling, discomfort, and stiffness of the joints
  • Pain is usually on one side of the body, and it gets worse in the morning or after waking up from sleep or nap. It usually affects big joints in the lower extremities, such as the knees and ankles, although it can affect any joint.
  • Pain in the back, hips, and shoulders
  • Itching on the skin
  • Skin thickening
  • The joint range of motion is limited
  • Stiffness and pain in the lower back and neck
  • Fingers and/or swelling in toes
  • Fatigue
  • Foot and heel pain

Because psoriatic arthritis does not have a cure, medication will ease symptoms and prevent additional joint damage. The most commonly used and recommended solution is Delfina Dry Skin Oil. It not only soothes the symptoms, but also helps manage the aggravating condition of this skin disease.

This doctor-developed formula combines the insights of science with the offerings of nature to manage psoriasis gently and effectively.


The clinical symptoms of psoriasis differ from individual to individual. The following are some of the most common indications and symptoms:

  • Spots of minor scaling (usually seen in kids)
  • Itching, burning, or pain are all symptoms of a bacterial infection
  • Skin that is dry, cracked, and may bleed or itch
  • Nails that are thickened, pitted or ridged
  • Skin areas that are crimson and coated in thick, silvery scales
  • Joints that are swollen and stiff

Psoriasis patches range in size from a few spots of dandruff-like scaling to large-scale outbreaks. The lower back, legs, soles of feet, knees, scalp, elbows, face, and palms are the most usually affected areas.


Its causes are still unknown and unclear. While health experts are uncertain what causes psoriasis, the immune system and genes play an essential role in its progression.

But it is known that psoriasis is not transmissible, meaning that Psoriasis cannot be passed from one person to another. Psoriasis is usually triggered by an unknown cause, leading the symptoms to appear or worsen. Triggers are different for different individuals according to their biology.

Its most common triggers include the following:


One of the most prevalent psoriasis triggers is stress and anxiety. Alternatively, psoriasis flare-ups, on the other hand, can be stressful. This may appear to be a never-ending cycle. Relaxation techniques and stress coping skills may help to prevent anxiety from affecting or aggravating psoriasis symptoms.

Skin Injury 

Psoriasis can form in places of the body where the skin has been wounded or affected. Scratches, bug bites, sunburns, and vaccines can all induce a psoriasis flare, according to the Koebner phenomenon.

Weather changes

The weather could trigger a psoriasis flare-up. Due to reduced sunlight and humidity, hotter and drier indoor air, and stress and illness. Psoriasis flare-ups mainly occur in the winter. Because of the natural sunlight and higher humidity levels, warm temperatures can help with psoriasis treatment.


Psoriasis can be provoked by anything that affects the immune system. As a result, tonsillitis, an ear infection, bronchitis, or respiratory infection may cause it to aggravate. In addition, Streptococcus infection is linked to guttate psoriasis, as it frequently causes the start of guttate psoriasis in youngsters.

Prevention and Cure

We are now coming to the essential part of our discussion, the treatment of psoriasis.

Treatments for psoriasis try to reduce the rate at which the skin cell grows and eliminate scales.

Delfina Dry Skin Oil comes to aid as a topical therapy for the treatment of mild to severe symptoms of psoriasis.

The type of treatment you should go for is determined by the severity of your psoriasis and how efficient the previous medications were for you. Before you find an effective treatment, you may be required to try a variety of medications or a combination of treatments. Delfina Dry Skin Oil not only prevents the condition from reappearing but can also be used to avoid psoriasis from occurring at all.

Talking about the natural treatment, light therapy alone or in combination with pharmaceuticals is the first-line treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis. It entails the application of measured levels of natural or artificial light to the skin. However, the treatments must be repeated regularly. Consult your doctor to see if home phototherapy is a viable choice for you.

Heliotherapy that is short, daily exposure to sunlight, may help with psoriasis symptoms. However, before starting a sun regimen, schedule a consultation with your doctor regarding the healthiest approach to getting exposed to sunlight for psoriasis treatment.

Lifestyle changes

Natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle.

To better control your psoriasis and feel your best, try these self-care strategies:

  • Bathe regularly. Bathing daily can help eliminate scales and soothing irritated skin. Soak for at least 10-15 minutes in water with colloidal oatmeal and Epsom salts.
  • Use lukewarm water and gentle soaps with minimal chemicals.
  • Some psoriasis treatments may be rendered less effective if you have drinking problems. Avoid alcohol use if you have psoriasis. If you do decide to consume, watch out for the quantity you drink.
  • Make use of a moisturizer. After washing, pat your skin dry carefully and apply Delfina Dry Skin Oil as a moisturizer while the skin is still damp. It may be preferred over creams or lotions for dehydrated skin since it lasts longer and has a fast absorption property. Apply it one to three times each day for a deteriorated skin condition.
  • Cover the affected areas before going out and going to sleep.

Bottom line

Once an individual develops the skin conditions mentioned above, it highly affects one's health and lifestyle. Eventually, depression, stress, and other health conditions may develop as a result of this disease. To counter or control this skin condition, we have to take appropriate and timely measures before it becomes difficult to manage. It can lead to a more critical stage if the attention is not paid in the early stages. 

Allow your skin to be exposed to tiny amounts of sunlight. Consult your physician about the best ways to treat your skin with natural sunshine. For example, psoriasis can be improved with moderate sunshine, but too much sun exposure can cause or aggravate breakouts and might develop the risk of skin cancer.

Using or incorporating Delfina Dry Skin Oil as a necessary part of your skincare routine may help prevent this uncomfortable and unbearable skin condition. Carry it to your workplace or university bag and apply anywhere, anytime, without any hassle.