Are Atopic dermatitis and eczema the same condition?
Most people confuse atopic dermatitis with eczema. Atopic dermatitis is a severe form of eczema or one of the seven types of eczema and the most prevalent one. Eczema is a skin condition observed among kids and adults alike, while it may develop asthma symptoms in children. Below are some of the signs and treatment guides on the condition.
Types of Eczema
You can have multiple types of eczema on your body simultaneously. Each type of eczema has its triggering signs and medical interventions, so consulting with a dermatologist is very important. Dermatologists can help you determine the form of eczema you have and help you in treating and preventing flare-ups.
Delfina Dry Skin Oil is an all-in-one treatment for different types of eczema. Its fast-absorbing mechanism and hydrating properties keep your skin fresh, soft, and radiant all day long. There are various forms of eczema which include:
Contact dermatitis
An inflamed and irritated rash develops, and an allergic reaction is triggered when you touch certain substances, which leads to contact dermatitis. Although the inflammation isn't infectious or fatal, it can be pretty unpleasant. Soaps, cosmetics, scents, jewels, and plants are just a few examples of items that can induce allergic reactions.
The first thing to do is identify the source of this allergy and take preventive measures so that contact dermatitis is treated effectively. If the use of a particular chemical or irritant is avoided, the rash might clear up in a few weeks. Soothing your skin with cool, moist compresses, using anti-itching creams, and employing other self-care practices is an integral part of its management.
Varicose Dermatitis
This disorder, also known as stasis dermatitis and venous eczema, affects people who have poor blood circulation. It is more frequent in elderly adults and women, although it can also happen in young people with a genetic susceptibility to varicose veins. A person with this skin ailment may experience ankle swelling and skin discoloration due to a blood vessel bursting. Ulcers can also be induced by it.
Discoid dermatitis
Discoid eczema, also commonly known as discoid dermatitis, is a long-term and chronic skin condition that creates red, itchy, and cracked patches of skin in circular or oval patterns that swell up and become difficult to manage.
If left unattended, this form of eczema may take up more than a few months or weeks to get better or be cured. Unfortunately, it may also reappear – typically in the same spot where it was previously afflicted.
What is Atopic Dermatitis?
Among all the other types of eczema, atopic dermatitis is the most prevalent among children and adults alike. Its initial symptoms include itchy, dry, red skin that gets cracked.
Children are more likely to have atopic eczema, which commonly begins before their first birthday. Adults, on the other hand, may develop it for the first time later in their lives.
It's usually a long-term disorder, while some children's symptoms improve or disappear entirely as they get older.
Anyone may be infected with atopic dermatitis, although it most commonly affects children's hands, insides of elbows, backs of knees, and face and scalp.
People with atopic eczema often have phases when their symptoms are less evident and times when it is more severe.
Dr. Peter Lio, clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Northwestern University, described atopic dermatitis as a never-ending cycle of itching, scratching, and more itching that further affects the immune system and destroys the natural skin barrier.
AD isn't merely a rash on the skin. It can significantly impact the individual's lifestyle and the people around him. It can have a list of related health issues, including lack of focus on daily activities such as job and studies, and improper sleep can make someone short-tempered and depressed. On the other hand, the person might need to spend a lot of energy, time, and finances on its treatment.
Although the specific reason for atopic eczema is still uncertain, it is evident that a single factor does not cause it.
However, a trend is seen in which people with allergy histories are more likely to develop atopic eczema. The term "atopic" refers to a person's sensitivity to irritants.
It can be inherited and is frequently associated with other illnesses such as asthma and hay fever.
Soaps, detergents, anxiety, and weather are all common triggers for atopic eczema symptoms. In addition, food allergies can sometimes be a factor, common in childhood with severe eczema.
Treatment and Precautions
Your skin may become inflamed and itchy as a result of too much heat and sweat. Try to stay away from activities that make you sweat and hence irritate the rashes. Also, increase your fluid intake and reduce the amount of sun exposure to stop it from aggravating.
Wear gloves
If your job needs you to work with water, put on vinyl or plastic gloves. When your hands are exposed to anything that can irritate your skin, you should also wear gloves. To absorb sweat from your hands, wear cotton gloves under plastic gloves.
Remove your gloves and take a break now and then. This will prevent moisture from accumulating within your gloves. Even while washing utensils, ensure the use of gloves for prevention.
Limit yourself from potential skin irritants
Avoid coming into contact with things that elevate your eczema. Soaps and moisture can irritate the skin. Only wash your hands when required. If you have eczema on your hands, use a light, unscented soap.
After you've washed your hands, make sure they're fully dry. Treatment measures can help soothe the symptoms of this condition, and it might get better fast if you incorporate these changes in your lifestyle.
One such change is Delfina Dry Skin Oil, which soothes the symptoms of atopic eczema and helps prevent the skin condition from occurring at all. In addition, it also reduces the higher chance of acquiring multiple adverse skin conditions such as psoriasis and cracked heels.
Eczema can be managed and controlled by Delfina Dry Skin Oil.
What’s the difference?
Atopic eczema is not the same as eczema. It is a type of eczema that usually develops in infancy.
Atopic dermatitis commonly begins in childhood and lasts until adulthood. There are occasions when the situation becomes more serious. Flare-ups are associated with prolonged phases of skin healing. There may be no indications of atopic dermatitis during this time.
Remission might last weeks, months, or even years in some cases. Atopic dermatitis can be outgrown in some young people. Others will continue to have it as adults. Adult flare-ups are typically milder.
Eczema is the name given to a collection of conditions that cause itchy, inflamed, and red skin in fairer skin, or brown, purple, grey, or ashen skin in dark skin. Eczema is a highly prevalent skin condition. It affects around 3,100,000 people in the United States.
Eczema is not an infectious skin condition. You can't acquire it from another person. The underlying cause of eczema is still unknown, but researchers are sure that it can be caused by genetics and environmental factors.
Eczema and atopic dermatitis might start as dry, itchy skin. Then, the rash may turn bright red, puffy, and inflamed. It usually becomes worse the more you scratch it. Finally, the rash may exude a clear liquid. Then, the inflammation will gradually crust over and start to shrink. It usually appears in the creases of the elbows, behind the knees, on the cheeks, and the buttocks.
Bottom Line
When you're stressed, your eczema gets elevated. Identify the triggers of your stress and ask a therapist or a friend to help you manage it so that it doesn’t create more health issues. Techniques for reducing stress can be beneficial. Changing your everyday activities to relieve stress might also help.
Because the area where you had eczema is prone to being irritated again, it requires specific attention. First, apply Delfina Dry Skin Oil twice a day for two weeks to manage the symptoms of both eczema and atopic dermatitis. Then, carry it in your bag for easy and quick use.