How to deal with chronic eczema on the hands?

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that may cause the skin to become dry, itchy, and red, as well as cause the person to scratch their skin and cause the skin to seem scaled. Even though it does not spread from person to person, it is quite annoying. It causes pain, and visual abnormalities and the skin in the afflicted parts may have a rough appearance.  

Exacerbations of eczema can alternate with calm periods and may plague the person for years. Therefore, to effectively cure eczema, it is essential to determine the underlying cause of the condition, make appropriate adjustments to the way of life, and take good care of the skin.

The main goal in treatment of eczema is to stop the inflammation. Here, you need an effective product for chronic itchy eczema, which has the right anti-inflammatory effect, but is not a provoking factor for the skin and does not have a large number of side effects. The most effective treatment for this condition is Delfina Skin Oil. The formulation contains natural components and does not cause any adverse effects. You can read here the positive comments and success stories that have been shared by the many individuals who have already used the product. 

The disease has many classifications

Some of the terms that are often used to describe the same symptoms include atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema, and chronic eczema. All of these names refer to the same condition. Dermatitis is a disorder that causes inflammation of the skin, while eczema is a more specific term for inflammatory skin diseases.

There are several types of Eczema:

  • Although it is more prevalent in young children, atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, is also rather common in adults. The term "atopic" refers to a collection of disorders that are often connected with being born with an allergy or allergies in conjunction with them. This type of eczema is characterized by dry skin, which occurs as a result of the fact that sufficient quantities are not allocated to natural moisturizers on the skin, as a result of the fact that the surface layer of the skin is unable to protect the deeper layers of the skin from a variety of allergens, irritants, and microbes. Because of the hereditary nature of atopic dermatitis, there is a one in two chance that a child will suffer from the condition if one of the child's parents have the condition.
  • Depending on the area of the body that is afflicted, a person may have eczema of the face, hands, or feet, or overall eczema.
  • In contact dermatitis, lesions on the skin manifest themselves after the person has been in extended contact with an allergen-causing material.
  • Chronic hand eczema is often brought on and kept at bay by a variety of occupational circumstances, such as the need to wash one's hands rather frequently or the possibility of coming into touch with certain substances or materials. 

Few distinct subtypes

Many different clinical symptoms and characteristics of the progression of Eczema have led to the classification of the condition into a few distinct subtypes, which are as follows:

  1. True Eczema is defined by a chronic wave-like course with the formation of evolutionary polymorphism. This occurs when all of the main components, including erythema, papule, and vesicle, are seen concurrently. Following the rupture of vesicles, the formation of micro erosions, also known as serous wells, takes place. The progression from the acute course into the chronic form is accompanied by a thickening of the lesion as well as the emergence of crusts, peeling, and itching. The abrupt onset of symptoms, symmetric lesions, and elemental polymorphism is the primary diagnostic characteristics of this version of the disease.
  2. The pathological foci of seborrheic eczema arise in areas of the skin that are abundant in sebaceous glands. These regions include the scalp, the skin of the forehead, the chest, the back, and behind the auricles.
  3. Dyshidrotic Eczema may be identified by the presence of lesions on the palms and soles of the affected individual's feet. As they become larger, they have the potential to develop into real eczema and extend to the palmar and plantar areas of the hands and feet. This kind of eczema will often be followed by the development of trophic alterations in the nails.
  4. Around infected wounds, abrasions, and areas of trophic ulcers are typical locations for the development of Microbial Eczema. The presence of purulent crusts, mucous membranes, and pathological foci in an asymmetrical position are all required symptoms.
  5. Occupational Eczema is a kind of eczema that manifests itself on the skin and is brought on by the presence of irritating compounds at some point during the production process.
  6. The palms of the hands and soles of the feet are the only areas affected by Horny Eczema. The thicker stratum corneum is responsible for the production of areas of hyperkeratosis, which manifest as blister-like wounds. This is a characteristic aspect of the condition. Skin inflammation is quite possible in this case, and people suffering from this condition can have an inflamed skin, itchy blisters and cracked skin.

Why does eczema become chronic?

If the acute stage of the condition is allowed to go untreated for a significant amount of time, chronic eczema will develop. Another factor is the continuous presence of allergens in the person's environment. As a result, the acute form of the condition generally cannot be cured, and it eventually transforms into chronic eczema. Allergens may enter the body in several different ways, including the respiratory organs, the digestive system, and contact allergens that have a detrimental effect on the skin. The following factors also contribute to chronic inflammation:

  • Long contact with water, especially hot water
  • Chronic bacterial, fungal infections
  • Constant stress, emotional stress, and lack of sleep
  • Exposure of the skin to hot, dry, or cold air

The chronic stage of eczema

In the chronic stage of eczema, symptoms such as a rash and itching are present at all times. Itching often occurs before the appearance of a rash and may serve as an early warning sign that an exacerbation is likely to take place. Because chronic eczema is characterized by a greater number of dry crusts on the skin than it is by weeping rashes, this type of condition is also referred to as "dry eczema" on occasion. The crusts split and itch intensely, resulting in pain and sometimes even sleeplessness.

The symptoms of chronic eczema get more severe as the condition is made worse. New soaking rashes will emerge next to the dry crusts, but there will be less exudate coming out of them than there is in the acute type. Other typical symptoms include the following:

  • severe flaking of the skin
  • impaired skin pigmentation, development of pigment spots
  • the pronounced linear pattern on the skin
  • excessive thickening and coarsening of the rash
  • scratching and cracking of the thickened areas

Chronic eczema in remission is manifested by persistent peeling of the lesions. The skin in these areas is scarred, so it becomes dense and can turn blue-red in dark-skinned people and pale pink or beige in light-skinned people.

How to acknowledge it

It is more common for eczema to have been present at some point during childhood in adults, however, eczema may sometimes abruptly manifest in adults. These abrupt outbreaks of eczema, as well as chronic ones, are characterized by red patches that are ill-circumscribed and do not have obvious margins. It's possible the afflicted skin won't even seem different. The patches might be large and wet on the other hand, dry and rough on the surface of the skin. The parts of the body that are affected by eczema may have skin that is uncomfortable, burning, and very itchy. Note that the itching can be worse at night since this is something to keep in mind.

Itching is a prominent symptom of eczema, which may be highly uncomfortable. When a person has eczema, it may be difficult for them to refrain from scratching the afflicted areas, even if doing so would only make the condition of their skin worse.

"I was super self conscious about wearing anything without sleeves. When I did, I would make sure to use a self tanner to minimize the look and texture when my eczema would flare up. After using Delfina for only 48 hours, the skin texture was almost completely gone and the red irritated itchy skin was soothed and gone! I no longer have to worry about embarrassing flare ups and can wear whatever I want, whenever!"

- Teresa

The more the skin is scratched, the more its protective layer is lost. This makes it much easier for allergens and pathogens to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, which adds to even more discomfort and inflammation than it would have otherwise. Because of this, itching and scratching are a type of mystical circle of eczema that is difficult to break free from.

Eczema is characterized by several symptoms, one of which is dry skin, particularly in the case of atopic eczema. Even beyond the eczema patches, this dryness may affect the whole body, from the head down to the feet.

Two signs that are characteristic of the chronic stage

Infiltration and lichenification are two signs that are characteristic of the chronic stage of the disease. In the first stage, a thickening of the soft tissues occurs as a result of the accumulation of exudate, which is a combination of blood particles, lymph, cellular components, and chemical compounds. In the second scenario, the skin pattern gets more pronounced, and the skin in the afflicted region darkens, becomes tough, and loses its moisture. These are symptoms of hand eczema which needs special treatment. It's a bit hard to treat hand eczema.

Along with this categorization of eczema into phases, another classification that takes into account changes like the components on the affected skin area is frequent. This classification takes into account changes like the elements on the affected skin area.

  • The manifestation of erythema is characterized by reddening of the skin and the presence of edema on the surface of the skin (erythematous stage).
  • Papular eruptions are characterized by the emergence of bumps above the surface of the skin (papular stage).
  • The formation of vesicles, including vesicles that are filled with fluid (vesiculitis).
  • Serous exudate secretion at the region of the opening vesicles, which is characterized by the mucous membrane (papular).
  • Crusts and dry crusts: the wounds gradually dry up, and a grayish-yellow crust forms on top of them (cortical).

Causes of occurrence

It is generally accepted that a dysfunctional immune response, which is often accompanied by inflammation, is at the root of eczema development. The development of this condition is contingent on several circumstances, some of which are endogenous, some of which are exogenous, and some of which are psychogenic. (Eczema often appears right after severe emotional or physical stress.)

In addition to that, heredity plays a significant part. It has been observed that if both parents suffer from eczema, then there is a 50% probability that the condition will be diagnosed in their child. A disease that is also accompanied by a loss in immunity, significant damage to the gastrointestinal system, endocrine abnormalities, and foci of persistent infection is the backdrop for the development of eczema. It is now generally accepted that several risk factors contribute to the development of the illness, which is referred to as having a poly-etiological origin. 

Most often, the provoking factors are contact with such substances:

  • synthetic products, paint and varnish materials, household chemicals
  • metal alloys
  • organic chemicals, petroleum, oils, rubber, tar, turpentine, formalin
  • certain plants, tulips, primrose

A predisposing factor to the development of eczema is also the long-term use of certain medications, especially antibiotics, the use of plasters, and exposure to pathogens, bacteria, and fungi.

Contributing factors

Everyone who suffers from eczema has the secret hope that the rash may be traced down to a single "culprit" or root cause. Unfortunately, in real life, there is often more than one factor that contributes to eczema. Some of the things that might set off an outbreak of eczema are:

Stress, anxiety, depression - these and other psychological conditions may be contributing factors to the outbreak of eczema, but are not the main or determining factor in its development.

- especially excessive sweating in hot weather or engaging in a sport can exacerbate eczema or cause it to flare up.

Allergies - particularly in the case of contact eczema. In these instances, it is important to identify the causative agent of the allergy, which may not be an easy task, because the allergen can hide in objects and things that the patient uses in everyday life - in clothing, accessories, cosmetics, and even in foodstuffs.

Peculiarities of the course of chronic eczema and differences from acute eczema

If the initial symptoms have not gone after two months, it is possible to discuss the possibility of the condition becoming chronic. In contrast to acute eczema, chronic eczema progresses in two phases that are interchangeable with one another. These stages are known as aggravation and remission. The colder months are the most likely to bring on relapses, while the warmer months may bring about an improvement in your condition. In addition to low temperatures, exacerbations may be provoked by:

  • increased sweating
  • contact with allergens, such as pollen
  • stress and anxiety
  • a weakened immune system
  • taking certain medications
  • consumption of allergenic foods

How to treat chronic eczema

The therapy for acute and chronic eczema is based on somewhat distinctly diverse principles. This is because the relapsing type of the illness is difficult to cure, and even when it is, patients often have exacerbations of their condition. Consequently, it is essential to make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as it is possible to do so, to avoid delaying the course of treatment.

The following are the fundamental principles of treating persistent eczema:

  • Eliminate provoking factors. It is necessary to stop the influence of negative factors on the body. If it is an allergen, you need to eliminate it and exclude contact with the skin.
  • If stress - get rid of worries, if taking medication - contact your doctor for an appointment for analogs.
  • Relieve the itching. For a person to stop traumatizing the skin by scratching and aggravating the process, it is necessary to get rid of itching.
  • Eliminate dry skin. This helps exfoliate emulsions and wet compresses, which in addition to moisturizing the skin, reduce itching.

Many customers have stated that Delfina Skin Oil is the most effective treatment for eczema that appears on the hands and throughout the body in general. It is quickly absorbed into the body and provides maximum relief for eczema symptoms including itching and redness.

For 14 days, it should be used twice every day, in the morning and at night. There are no contraindications to the use of the product. It may take more than 14 days for Delfina to take effect for patients with more severe disorders, such as psoriasis and eczema; nevertheless, patience and consistency are the keys to seeing improvements from using this medication. Find more information here on the course of treatment.

How to deal with chronic eczema on the hands?

The first step in contacting a dermatologist is to perform diagnostic measures. Not only is it required to determine the particular kind of eczema, but it is also necessary to create a differential diagnosis. Both of these steps are necessary.

It is essential to rule out other skin disorders that exhibit symptoms that are similar to those of eczema, such as pyoderma, allergic contact dermatitis, toxiderma, lichen planus, and so on. It is also essential to rule out other skin disorders that exhibit symptoms that are similar to those of atopic dermatitis.

Unfortunately, there is no therapy available that can entirely eradicate eczema at this time. The person's disease can go into remission as a result of the therapy, which means that she should no longer be bothered by the symptoms of their condition.

Each person follows a customized treatment plan that is developed by the designated physician or other medical practitioner. It is common practice to use both medication and physical therapy as components of the treatment approach for this illness. Those who have itchy skin should wear cotton gloves.

The use of folk remedies is another option, but they should not take the place of conventional medical care in the treatment of the condition. You will now have a deeper understanding of the many therapy options available to you.

Medication treatment

The basis of treatment of eczema on the hands is drug therapy. As a rule, the following types of medications are used:

  • Anti-allergic antihistamines - to suppress the allergic reaction. Depending on the severity and type of eczema, both systemic and topical (local) drugs in the form of creams and gels are used.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Often patients with eczema on the hands are prescribed combined ointments, creams, or gels, which include both anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory components. Anti-inflammatory external medications can eliminate the inflammatory component of eczema, helping to quickly relieve the external manifestations of the disease.
  • Hormonal drugs. If it is a matter of severe inflammation, the patient may be prescribed external means with glucocorticoids. These drugs have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics are only used when microbial eczema is of bacterial origin, or when there is a high risk of bacterial contamination. Topical agents of the tetracycline or penicillin series are usually used. The course of antibacterial therapy lasts about 10 days. It is important to adhere to all the doctor's recommendations regarding the course of antibiotic treatment. You should not interrupt the course on your own, even if there is a noticeable improvement.
  • Moisturizing creams. They are used to restore normal skin hydration.

Other recommendations during treatment of eczema on the hands

In order to cure eczema that develops on the hands, physiotherapeutic therapy methods are used as part of the treatment procedure. These kinds of therapies include things like light therapy and ultraviolet (UV) therapy as examples. A healthy diet is a component of the therapy that is provided. Patients are often advised to steer clear of certain meals while they are undergoing treatment. These items include eggs, citrus fruits, shellfish, oily fish, whole milk, red wine, and rich meat broths, to name just a few.

In the process of treating eczema on the hands, avoiding direct contact with the irritants that are the root cause of the problem is a crucial component of the treatment strategy. If the person is at danger of coming into contact with chemicals at work that might make their eczema worse, they should try to wear gloves that provide protection against such chemicals. This refers especially to people who have sensitive skin.

When the weather is chilly, it is essential to ensure that  hands are kept warm in order to avoid developing hypothermia. Additionally, if a person is allergic to pollen, they should aim to spend as little time as possible outdoors during the season in which allergenic plants are blooming in order to minimize their exposure to pollen.

How to treat and prevent relapses

In most cases, the numerous treatments for eczema do not cure the condition; rather, they just alleviate the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. As children become older, the symptoms of eczema may become less severe or perhaps go away completely. In the same vein, to get rid of contact eczema, it is essential to determine what causes it in the first place.

In many cases, people choose Delfina Skin Oil to treat an outbreak of eczema and prevent it from happening in the first place. This revolutionary treatment helps to lessen the inflammation of the skin. It helps to soothe and rejuvenate the natural protective layer of the skin to break the "vicious loop" of eczema and the irritation that is caused by eczema. This not only helps to control the acute eruption of eczema but also helps to stop the condition from flaring up again in the future. Moreover, it helps to soothe inflamed skin.

Specifics of treatment of eczema on hands and feet

Treatment of eczema on the hands should be comprehensive. It includes such areas as:

  • medication, which involves the use of drugs of external action or drugs of a systemic nature
  • physical therapy procedures
  • correction of concomitant diseases, sanitation of foci of infection
  • elimination of provoking factors
  • conducting activities that contribute to improving the patient's immunity, normalization of a person's psycho-emotional sphere
  • adherence to a diet that excludes foods that are most often allergens 

Similar approaches are used to treat eczema on the legs and other areas of the body.

Using Delfina Dry Skin Oil as a part of your skincare routine will most likely contribute to eliminating and preventing eczema.


Folk remedies

The professional instructions for the treatment of eczema on the hands do not yet include any information concerning the use of folk techniques in the treatment of the condition. A long time ago, when there were no sophisticated pharmaceuticals available to treat skin disorders, people turned to alternative treatments such as folk medicine. Consequently, traditional therapies for eczema cannot be regarded to be fundamental components of therapy. They can only be taken in conjunction with the primary therapy that has been prescribed. The following home treatments for eczema are among the most often used:

  • Elderberry. To treat the damaged skin, elderberry decoctions are often used. In most cases, one would take three teaspoons of elderberries, pour one liter's worth of boiling water over them, and then let the mixture steep. The next step is to strain the infusion, and use it to treat the skin that is afflicted.
  • Aloe. A little amount of fresh aloe juice has been added to a regular moisturizing lotion. A cream of this kind is typically administered to the afflicted area on hand twice daily.
  • Sea salt. It is considered that bathing in sea salt may be helpful in the treatment of eczema on the hands. One liter of boiling water should be used to dissolve five teaspoons of sea salt. After the water has cooled, put your hands in it and keep them there for 15 to 20 minutes.

The bottom line

If the acute stage of the condition is not treated, the person will eventually develop chronic eczema. Because allergens are constantly present in the person's environment, this is another reason why the condition occurs. As a result, acute eczema cannot be cured and will eventually progress into chronic eczema. Allergens can enter the body in several different ways, including via the digestive system, the respiratory system, or through skin-contact allergens that cause discomfort. Chronic inflammation may be caused by a variety of factors, including extended contact with water (especially hot water), continual stress, insufficient sleep, persistent bacterial and fungal infections, and exposure to hot, dry, or cold air.

    The use of physiotherapeutic therapy approaches is recommended for the treatment of eczema that occurs on the hands. These treatments include methods like light therapy and ultraviolet (UV) light therapy. Dietary counseling is one of the components of the therapeutic approach. It is normal practice for medical professionals to recommend that their patients abstain from eating certain meals while they are receiving treatment. These include full milk, citrus fruits, shellfish, oily seafood, and rich beef broth, among other things.

    If you want to get rid of eczema on your hands, the most important thing you can do is avoid coming into direct contact with any irritants that cause the condition. Individuals diagnosed with eczema who engage in activities in which they might come into touch with chemicals should always wear protective gloves. In extreme cold conditions, keeping your hands warm is an important step. Those who are allergic to pollen should also restrict the amount of time they spend outside during the spring and summer months when plants that produce pollen are blooming.
    A lack of knowledge on folk remedies for treating eczema on the hands has not yet been addressed in professional guidelines.

    Apply Delfina Skin Oil to your hands to get the best possible outcome. This cutting-edge product was developed by Dr. Norayr Chilingaryan, who conceived the idea by intending to enhance the skin's health in order to provide people with the opportunity to look and feel their absolute best.