10 Important Tips to Manage Psoriasis in Winter or Cold Weather

Winter is definitely on the way. Those colorful Fall leaves in the yard need sweeping and there’s a chill in the air. Unfortunately, that means if you are a psoriasis sufferer, you might be dreading the cold months, as dry skin gets worse with cold weather. There are lots of reasons why the skin suffers in the winter. Colder temperatures and winds outside as well as central heating indoors draw the moisture away from your skin which happens to over 50% of our population. The result is discomfort and irritation, often leading to stressful situations for psoriasis sufferers. We feel your pain. Having been there, we know just how debilitating psoriasis can be. Luckily, we’re here to help you and tell you what you can do to manage Psoriasis in winter and the cold months and actually enjoy the change in season.

1. Check your Toiletries

Toiletries can be problematic. If you use anything with harsh chemicals, you could aggravate your skin even more. Look for body washes and soaps with a neutral PH value and always choose products that are sulphate-free. You need very gentle toiletries, free from parabens, sulphates and ammonia too. Vegan-friendly products should be suitable so check the ingredients labels.

2. Use Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil

We are obviously advocates of our own product and we know it works because we’ve suffered with skin problems too. Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil helps alleviate the discomfort associated with Psoriasis. Skin is immediately softer and more comfortable following first application and with persistence you’ll notice a dramatic improvement. Countless psoriasis sufferers swear by it, we think you’ll love it too!

3. Trying Bathing with Oatmeal

This is an age-old remedy for chicken pox and it works for lots of other skin problems too. Fill up a sock with natural oats and put it in your bath. As soon as the oats hit the water, they produce a film. This acts as a protector for skin and a natural moisturizer. Alternatively, look for body washes that contain oats.

4. Don’t have a Hot Shower

Hot water strips skin of natural oils. Always keep your bath or shower at a pleasant temperature, warm is best. After your bath, always moisturize using a fragrance-free, paraben-free product that is kind to skin. Delfina Skin Dry Skin Oil is ideal for moisturizing. Don’t just moisturize once a day, do it a few times to really reap the benefits.

5. Combat your Heating

Stop heating playing havoc [what?] with your skin by buying a humidifier so that the air is slightly moist. This prevents the air from drying out when you have to shift the central heating up a few degrees to stay warm. Alternatively, if you don’t want to spend the money on a humidifier, a damp towel over a radiator works well or a large bowl of hot water in your room of choice. The steam releases into the atmosphere adding moisture.

6. Eat Really Well

A nourishing diet rich in vitamins and minerals gives your body the fuel it needs to look after your skin. Oils are good for you, particularly oily fish such as salmon as it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. You could also eat a handful of nuts every day, not only are they a great source of protein, they are rich in essential fats. Try walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and flaxseeds.

7. Wear Natural Fibers

Manmade fibers don’t allow your skin to breathe and can make you sweat. Sweat makes psoriasis worse so stick with natural fibers such as cotton knits. You can always layer up. No matter what, never wear manmade fibers right next to your skin. Wool is a natural fiber but it can be scratchy, cashmere shouldn’t cause irritation. Avoid tight-fitting clothing too as this rubs dry areas, making psoriasis worse.

8. Drink Good Old Water

Water is excellent for flushing through your system and getting rid of toxins and waste. So, drink at least 8 glasses a day. If you don’t enjoy water, flavor it with slices of fruit such as strawberries, lemons or raspberries – cucumber is delicious in water as is fresh mint. Water is great for hydrating your skin and your body because it combats dryness and flaky skin.

9. Chill Out!

Easier said than done, we know, especially if you’re experiencing a stressful period in your life but by factoring in some special “me” time and indulging in the things you love, you could help to keep psoriasis in check. Many psoriasis sufferers report an increase in their symptoms when they feel anxious. Light an essential oil candle, have that warm bath, listen to soft music and dim the lights . See friends that make you happy, go to the movies – take a walk on a cold, sunny day, plan a vacation – anything that calms and soothes you!

10. Check in with your Doc!

If you’ve tried all of the above and you still find that your psoriasis isn’t under control, go and see your doctor just to make sure that you’re doing all the right things. Sometimes, a very severe flare up needs medical attention although generally, using the right products, taking care with clothing, food and your heating and keeping stress in check should make a big difference.