Natural Ways To Treat Psoriasis on the Face

Psoriasis can affect a person’s self-esteem and overall happiness, especially psoriasis on the face. When psoriasis patches are difficult to cover, sufferers may become insecure about their appearance. Plus, psoriasis can cause bleeding, itching, skin irritation, and pain.

There are some solutions for this skin condition, but not every patient reacts well to medications and topical ointments. Side effects may include skin irritation, sun sensitivity, and even more serious medical side effects like stomach ulcers. These potential side effects make some patients opt for more natural solutions.

Luckily, there are natural solutions for psoriasis on the face. Keep in mind, everyone’s body is different. Not every solution works equally well for every person. However, some people with psoriasis have found the methods below effective at reducing symptoms and managing flare-ups.

How psoriasis on the face affects your self-esteem

If you have psoriasis on your face, it can be difficult to keep your self-esteem high. Your face is the first thing people see when they meet you, so it's natural to feel self-conscious about it. Psoriasis can also be painful and itchy, which can make you feel even more uncomfortable in your own skin.

But just because you have psoriasis on your face doesn't mean you have to let it bring you down. There are plenty of ways to cope with the condition and maintain a positive outlook.

There are a few things that you can do to make living with psoriasis on your face a little bit easier. First, try to keep your skin moist by using a gentle cleanser and a mild moisturizer. Delfina Skin Oil comes to aid as a topical therapy and revolutionary moisturizer for the treatment of psoriasis on the face. Delfina Skin Oil not only eliminates the psoriasis on the face, but is also used to avoid psoriasis from occurring in the first place.

You should also avoid any irritants, such as harsh soaps, and try to limit your exposure to the sun. Additionally, it can be helpful to use makeup to cover up any redness or scaling. Finally, remember that you are not alone and that there are many others who are dealing with the same condition.

The relationship between your face and your self-esteem

Your face is the first thing that people see when they look at you. It's an important part of how you communicate with the world and how you're seen by others. Because of this, your face can have a big impact on your self-esteem.

The link between your face and your emotions is well-documented in psychological research. A study published in the journal "Psychological Science" found that people who are sad are more likely to judge themselves harshly after looking at their own reflection. This suggests that our emotions can influence how we see ourselves physically.

Another study found that people with social anxiety were more likely to avoid eye contact and had difficulty reading other people's emotions from their facial expressions. This shows that the way we feel about our faces can impact our social interactions.

The manifestation of psoriasis on your face

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, scaly patches to form on the skin. It can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most commonly found on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. In some cases, psoriasis can also affect the face.

When psoriasis occurs on the face, it can have a negative impact on a person's self-esteem. The visible patches can make people feel self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance. In severe cases, psoriasis can cause disfigurement, which can lead to feelings of isolation and low self-worth.

If you have psoriasis on your face, it's important to remember that it doesn't define you as a person. There are many ways to manage the condition and minimize its impact on your life.

The emotional impact of psoriasis on your self-esteem

Chronic skin conditions like psoriasis can have a significant impact on your emotional well-being. The physical symptoms of the condition can be painful and uncomfortable, and the visible signs can cause embarrassment and anxiety. 

Studies have shown that people with psoriasis are at an increased risk for developing depression and anxiety disorders. If you're struggling with your mental health, it's important to seek help from a professional.

There are a number of ways to treat psoriasis, both physically and emotionally. Physical treatments can include things like topical ointments, light therapy, and prescription drugs. Emotional treatments can include therapy, support groups, and self-care. If you're struggling with your mental health, it's important to seek help from a professional.

The physical impact of psoriasis on your self-esteem

In addition to the emotional toll, psoriasis can also take a physical toll on your body. The itching, redness, and inflammation associated with the condition can lead to sleepless nights and fatigue during the day. The constant scratching can also damage your skin, which can lead to infections. 

In severe cases, psoriasis can even affect your joints, causing stiffness and pain. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to see a doctor or dermatologist for treatment options.

There are a number of treatments available for psoriasis, but finding the right one can be a challenge. There is no cure for psoriasis, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and keep the condition under control. Treatment options include topical treatments, light therapy, and oral medications. 

If you're struggling to control your psoriasis, talk to your doctor about your treatment options. Incorporating Delfina Skin Oil as a necessary part of your skincare routine may help prevent this uncomfortable and unbearable skin condition. Carry it to your workplace or university bag and apply anywhere, anytime, without any hassle.

Tips for keeping your self-esteem high despite having psoriasis on your face

Don't Let Psoriasis Define You

It's important to not let psoriasis define you. Just because you have this condition doesn't mean it has to control your life. Remember that you are more than your skin, and don't let psoriasis control how you feel about yourself.

Seek Support from Others

If you're struggling with your self-esteem, reach out to friends and family for support. It can be helpful to talk to others who understand what you're going through.

There are also many online support groups for people with psoriasis. These groups can provide valuable support and information. Additionally, there are many resources available online to help you manage your psoriasis.

Take care of Yourself Physically and Emotionally

Taking care of yourself is essential when managing any chronic condition. Be sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough rest. It's also important to find ways to manage stress, as it can trigger flares. Consider talking to a therapist if you're finding it difficult to cope with your diagnosis.

It's also important to have a support system in place, whether that's family, friends, or a support group for people with your condition. Lean on them for help and advice, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Delfina Skin Oil is a solution for the dehydration of the skin cells by penetrating skin layers to stimulate hydration and nutrition.


Don’t neglect exploring treatment options

It's important to remember that psoriasis is just one aspect of who you are – it doesn't define you as a person. There are many things that make up your identity, and your self-esteem shouldn't be based solely on your appearance.

If you're struggling with low self-esteem because of psoriasis, reach out to a trusted friend or family member for support. It can also be helpful to see a therapist who can help you manage any negative emotions you're experiencing.

Finally, take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. Make time for activities that make you happy and help you relax. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to deal with the challenges psoriasis may bring.

Consider Apple Cider Vinegar

Easy to find at any grocery store, apple cider vinegar sometimes helps with facial psoriasis. It can be especially helpful for psoriasis on the upper forehead or scalp.

Due to its antiseptic properties, apple cider vinegar may soothe itching and irritation caused by psoriasis.

psoriasis on face

Make sure to rinse off apple cider vinegar completely after applying it to the face. Never apply vinegar to cracked or bleeding skin as this can cause burning and irritation.

Aloe Vera

Commonly used to soothe sunburns, some studies indicate aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties could ease symptoms of psoriasis.

Applying unscented aloe vera gels or cream to patches may be a solution for psoriasis on the face. Stick to gels and creams with 0.5% aloe vera.

psoriasis on face

However, some stores sell aloe vera tablets, which have not shown to be effective at fighting psoriasis, and aloe vera gel is also not effective on everyone who uses it. Aloe vera gel also contains latex, which can trigger an allergic reaction. If you notice any adverse effects, like redness or rashes, stop using aloe vera.

Tea Tree Oil

Due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil can help with a variety of skin diseases. Some people with psoriasis find tea tree oil reduces symptoms like itching, scaling, and inflammation. Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil like olive oil or almond oil prior to use. Undiluted essential oils can burn the skin. Some people have an allergic reaction to essential oils, so do a patch test first by applying a small amount of diluted tea tree oil on your forearm.

Not everyone responds well to tea tree oil, with some people reporting burning, scaling, and redness. Tea tree oil can also make skin conditions like eczema worse, so be careful about using tea tree oil if you have conditions besides psoriasis or sensitive skin.

Increased Sunlight Exposure

Ultraviolet B rays from the sun can improve psoriasis symptoms for some people. Just five to 10 minutes of sun exposure a day could potentially help with psoriasis on the face.

However, too much sun exposure could increase the risk of cancers like melanoma. Make sure to apply sunscreen before going outdoors.

Natural Dry Skin Oil

If you’re looking for natural products that are solutions for psoriasis, Delfina Dry Skin Oil is a great option. The formula was developed by a doctor in Armenia several decades ago.

This doctor-developed formula combines the insights of science with the offerings of nature to manage psoriasis on the face gently and effectively.

Learn more about how Delfina works here and see before-and-after pictures from other psoriasis sufferers here.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes don’t just help with psoriasis on the face – they can help reduce symptoms overall.

Changing your diet may help reduce symptoms of psoriasis. A Mediterranean diet has shown to improve symptoms for some people, as has eating foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids like salmon and tuna. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, so incorporating this spice into recipes could help.

A healthy immune system can help keep psoriasis away. Avoid smoking tobacco products and incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Stress may also trigger psoriasis outbreaks, so consider stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation.

Keep in mind, any long term changes to your diet or exercise routine should always be discussed with a doctor beforehand, especially if you have any chronic medical conditions.

Final thoughts

If you’re looking for psoriasis solutions and prefer a holistic approach, the above options may be helpful to you. However, as with any other solution, watch out for negative side effects and stop solution if symptoms get worse.

Finding effective psoriasis solutions often entails trial and error. Hopefully, after experimenting with different options, you find a course of action that helps you find relief.

We understand how important it is to find the right solution for psoriasis flare-ups, especially with moderate to severe psoriasis. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about natural solution options or Delfina Dry Skin Oil. We are happy to help in any way we can.